Feb 26
For the past few weeks now, Connor has been waking up with dry pull-ups. He is as excited about it as we are. He will remind us that he did not pee
in his pants, so we can give him a compliment. He is even more thrilled when we call him a “Big Boy” or tell him that he will be wearing underwear overnight soon like Logan does. We are very proud of him!
Just a side note, Connor is very expressive and affectionate. He likes to share how much he loves everyone and everything he knows, and he is not shy to use the word “love”. Even after swimming class when I was changing him, he told me “I LOVE swimming class”. Tonight after bath, Connor suddenly looked at me and said “Mommy, I love you so so so so so much! Do you know that?” Awww!
Feb 26
Shortly after we moved into this house, Stuart started a new routine of sneaking into Connors room and re-tucking him in at 11pm. He was worried that Connor would be cold as
he still occasionally kicks his blanket off. Connor often sleeps the entire time while Stuart is there. We really need to get Connor a new bed soon as sometimes we find Connor laying half way off his toddler bed. Stuart can pick him up, put him back down on the bed, pull the blanket off his back and tuck him back in without waking Connor up at all. I think Stuart really enjoys this quick moment seeing Connor every night. At the beginning, I had tried to share this responsibility, but somehow Connor could sense my presence. Twice when I went into his room quietly, Connor woke up, looked at me and said “Wake up time, Mommy?” and “What? Mommy?”. Since then, Stuart has banned me from going in at night and I just get to hear from Stuart how Connor is sleeping.
Feb 19
Connor always has good memory, and he can recall things a lot better than Logan can. He remembers things we do, people we meet, stories we read. Tonight he impressed us even more.
I got a call from Lo
gan’s teacher last Thursday telling us that every kid has a part at the upcoming group science project, and she was sending home Logan’s lines for us to rehearse with him. Since then, we have Logan repeating the fairly long and complicated sentences to us a couple of times every evening. He is actually doing quite well with it and we hope that he can do the same on the Science Fair Day. The funny thing was that after Logan said the lines tonight, Connor started to repeat it “The same thing happened to the solid object. They sank until they came to a liquid….”, then stopped. He basically was able to rehearse half of the lines Logan was given and he said it quite clearly too. We all, including Logan, were impressed with what Connor did. Logan then helped by repeating the second part of the sentences slowly so Connor could copy him and finish it up. Connor can be Logan’s understudy.
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