Logan In the News

Posted By stuart 2 Comments »

The news of Logan’s Birth has already hit the major news outlets:

Chang’s World News Inc

Chang’s World Press Photography

The Tsao’s Weekly

Daily Piglet Gazette

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Logan: Arrival Day !

Posted By stuart Comments Off on Logan: Arrival Day !

IMG_0280 Finally have a moment to write down some thoughts of what’s been going on the last few days.

6/21:  Bonnie’s water broke (we thought) around 3:30am. She called the HotLine (or whatever they call it) and was told to wait a little while longer until it was more evident and she should walk around the house.  So Bonnie let me sleep and started walking around and unloading the dishwasher.  Not soon after, the bigger flow happened, and off we went to the hospital.

The good thing about 4am is there is no traffic, so I took it easy and tried to get a good hybrid/gas mileage rating on the car’s display :) We were ushered into a Observation room, which basically looked like a regular hospital room, but smaller.  The monitors were hooked up and by this time Bonnie’s contractions were already 4-5 minutes apart.  Apparently lots of other mothers decided to use this same time to go into labor, as all the delivery rooms were busy and we didn’t get to see a doctor for 3 hours! By the time the doc examined Bonnie she was already 8 cm dilated, and the chances of getting an epidural in time had become slim.

What I learned about Bonnie on that day is that she is a very tough cookie.  I was glad that there was a graphical display of the contractions because it was hard for me to tell from her directly which contractions were bigger than others and when they ended.  She would grab my hand tighter during the especially bad ones, but that was about it.  She’s the strong silent type.

We finally got a real room around 9:00am and the contractions continued.  I did what I could by rolling a tennis ball on her back (she was lying sideways), reminding her to breath, and basically feeling useless since I couldn’t take away her pain.  At this point she was given the option of an epidural, but since she was so far along (9cm dilated) the cons seemed to outweigh the pros.  The cons being it may take longer for the birth to occur (ie harder to push) and she’s already been experiencing the pain of the contractions through 90% of the process.  The pros….less pain for the duration.  Bonnie thought it shouldn’t be long now, so let’s go natural. (If they had gotten to us sooner, we would have taken it)

About 11:30am Bonnie decided it was go time (time to push).  The doctor came into the room and joined the nurses who had  everything setup.  They stated that since Bonnie was already 10cm dilated (good job!), it should only probably be a couple pushes.  I learned after that they say a lot of things that aren’t entirely true to make Mom stay positive.  The pushing process was a lot more traumatic and tiring than I had thought it would be for some reason, but long story, short….1.5 hrs of pushing and out comes Logan. 

Quite a trip to watch the entire body come out so quickly after such a long time of occasionally just seeing a small fraction of the top of his head.  I had always heard that the movies weren’t realistic because the newborns looked like 3 month-olds instead of the normal gucky,mucky,blue little things that they usually are.  However Logan looked like one of those Movie babies.  He was pink and non-slimey and didn’t even cry during his examination. He seemed to be looking around, checking everything out, seeing world what mama and papa and brought him into.  We, of course, were ecstatic he was healthy and as cute as his parents :)

Ready to Go

Posted By stuart 1 Comment »


Bonnie and I had another Dr’s Visit today and everything with Logan is still going great.   When the Doctor mentioned that Bonnie was already 3 cm dilated I started doing the breathing exercises we practiced.  However it turns out that this isn’t uncommon and it doesn’t necessarily mean that Logan will arrive sooner than the original due date (June 22).   I did force the doctor to give a guess (ie pretend she was a betting person) as to whether it would come sooner or later than the Due date….the answer was “I think it should be pretty soon now” !!!!     Breathing exercises, breathing exercises.

The bag is packed and in the trunk, car seat ready to go, hospital bookmarked on GPS, and list of phone numbers in my possession.  Now I just have to get Bonnie to start curtailing her activities.  She just made a hair appointment for tomorrow, and has a kids birthday to attend party later this week.  Where’s my cell phone?

Scottie’s Nemesis

Posted By stuart 2 Comments »

Watch as the Evil Genius of ‘Little Birdie’ uses his ultrasonic pitch powers to vanquish the once mighty Scottie.

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