
Posted By Bonnie Comments Off on Headache

    After being pain-free for one week, Connor woke up complaining that his “brain” hurt on Sunday.  Since he had learned to use the pain scale from the previous sore throat, he told us that the headache was a 2 and a half to 3 out of a 5.  The pain was constant on his forehead.  He did not have other symptoms like fever, runny nose, earache or sore throat.  He did not have any injury to the head.  He was still eating well and doing everything normally.  He did not want any pain medicine.  Throughout the day, he continued to tell us that his head hurt, but he was able to do all the activities, egg hunt, ride a bike and play basketball.  Even Connor noticed that he has been having pain issue; he was jokingly telling us that “this is the worst days of my life, first the throat and now my head”. 

    By bedtime, his complaint became more frequent and he said it was a 4 out of five then.  He agreed to take medicine at that point.  He was almost in tears that he could not fall asleep with the headache.  We tried icing, distracting and even moving to our bed, Connor was still too uncomfortable to fall asleep.  By then it was over an hour, we decided to try another pain med.  Stuart sat with him for awhile in his room, and Connor was finally asleep an hour and 40 minutes later.

    We were very pleased that Connor slept through the night, but Stuart and I definitely did not as we were worried and tried to listen out for him.  The next morning, Connor woke up to report having the same headache.  I talked with an Advice Nurse over the phone; we decided to give him a dose of pain med and sent him to school as he was fine otherwise.  Since I was in school for the art lesson in the morning, Connor came tell me about his headache periodically.  The pain med did not seem to make any difference.  The teacher however told me that Connor was doing fine before I showed up.  Since I had the day off, I decided that I would pick him up early and took him to see the doctor for a piece of mind.  When we arrived at the medical office, they checked Connor’s temperature, blood pressure and vision test.  He passed everything.  The doctor came in and asked both of us questions.  She did a neurologic exam and asked Connor more questions to check his memory.  Fortunately everything checked out well.  The doctor was impressed the consistency and details Connor provided to report his pain, and she suggested to keep giving the pain med as needed and watch for any worsening.  She thought it could be tension headache or allergy.

   The second night Connor was more worried that he could not sleep and so were we.  Fortunately it took only 30 minutes or so before he fell asleep.  Tuesday and Wednesday had been similar; Connor was complaining of a 3 out of 5, and sometimes the pain was over the face instead of just the forehead.  He was doing well otherwise.  He seemed to be mentioning about the headache less often, but Connor told us that he was just tired talking about it.  Falling asleep still worried him, so Stuart sat with him for a little while before he fell asleep.  We just can’t wait for a resolution to this headache soon.

By the way, he was still well enough to sing a song while we were waiting to see the doctor.

Art Vistas Lesson 5

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     On Monday, the two moms and I had our 5th Art Vistas lesson with Connor’s class. The art concept for this lesson was “lines”; we reviewed the vocabularies, vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines, briefly.  Next we led a discussion using a couple of famous paintings of “boats”. The children were excited looking at the beautiful artwork, pointing out things they saw and answering questions about the art concept. Then it was time for the hands on part and we had a busy agenda. For this lesson, we made a fish print. The children brushed on different colors of tempera paints all over a rubber fish, then we placed a muslin cloth over it. The kids rubbed gently all over the cloth to make a beautiful imprint of the fish. With this project, we really got our hands quite colorful with paints. Other than making the fish prints, we also had the children use tempera to paint on the clay animals that they made back in Lesson 3. They had fun using paintbrushes and painted on some nice details. While we worked on rotating the kids through the two projects, they also had done some free drawing with crayons. We kept all of us quite busy and engaged the entire hour. It was a fun lesson.




Posted By Bonnie Comments Off on Easter

    Just the night prior to Easter, Stuart and I decided to stuff some eggs for the boys to do a hunt on Sunday.  They were especially happy to find out that we would do it in the backyard.  We had them take turns one at a time, so the egg hunt would last longer and they would get equal shares.  Both boys were excited to find every egg, and they helped each other out when either of them could not spot one.  After a few rounds up and down the backyard and we felt that they found all the hidden eggs, the boys went inside the house to check out their loot.  They got an assortment of chocolates, coins, Post It, and finger lights.  Along with the nice baskets our neighbor, The Ricchios, gave them, the boys received a good collection this Easter.



Ian’s Musical

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   Ian was in another musical production, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, at his middle school, so I asked Kathy to get tickets for the boys and I to watch and to support Ian.  After dinner on Saturday, we left Stuart at home and took off to the school.  Once we parked, we were pleasantly surprised by seeing Jennifer, Jesselyn and Jayden in the car next to ours.  We all walked in together and found our seats.  We said hello to Kathy’s family while we waited.  The boys were excited to look around for Ian and were happy when the musical began.  We were sitting at the 4th row, but the boys were a bit short to see well.  So I offered Connor to sit on me which allowed Logan to see better through Connor’s seat.  We were finally situated well to enjoy the show.  We thought the production was well made with some good singing, dancing and pretend fighting.  The boys were fascinated especially with some of funny parts and with the fighting scenes.  They were happy to find Ian on stage too.  The show was lengthy, two hours with a short intermission, but we were entertained and the boys were content all the way through.  Connor did not even want it to end when it was over.  We walked out the auditorium with Kathy’s family so we could hand flowers to Ian.  Logan immediately gave Ian a huge hug when we finally found him in the crowd.  I snapped a quick picture with the star before we headed home for a late night.  As we were walking to the car, Connor told me that he loved the show even though he had no idea what it was about, but he enjoyed all the acting and especially the fighting scene.  They both agreed that Ian did a great job too.


Tennis Lesson / Basketball Game

Posted By Bonnie Comments Off on Tennis Lesson / Basketball Game

    It was Logan’s last tennis lesson on Saturday.  Because of conflicts with his first basketball game, Logan had to leave the tennis lesson 20 minutes before it ended.  According to Stuart, the instructor took some pictures of the kids the prior week, therefore we knew that he would pass something out to the class.  When it was time for Stuart and Logan to go, the instructor walked them out and gave Logan a trophy, a ribbon, some pictures and a mini tennis ball for souvenir.  Stuart had mentioned that the kids played a small game last week and Logan won the first place.  We don’t know what other kids received, but Logan’s trophy was indeed engraved with his name and the title of first place, and he received a First Place ribbon.  In any way, Logan was very excited and proud of what he was given; he quickly found a place for the trophy in his room later that day.


    After the tennis lesson, Stuart took Logan to another school for the first basketball game of this season.  The coach was unable to be there, so another dad and Stuart both stepped up to help with the kid rotations into the game.  Stuart shared that he was quite impressed with the kids in this team.  They all passed the ball around and did well shooting.  Stuart also mentioned that Logan did well dribbling and made some good attempts the first half.  Connor and I arrived the second half after Connor’s soccer game.  I witnessed the good game myself and saw many baskets being made.  Logan seemed more comfortable out there this season and more willingly trying to get the ball.  While I was there, Logan was being guarded pretty tight that he could not have any shots.  But it was still a fun game to watch.



Posted By Bonnie Comments Off on Walkathon

     The school had a spring celebration and a walkathon on Friday. The children had a chance to walk some laps during the day, and they could return in the afternoon to continue.  Stuart took the boys back to school after 5 pm, and I joined them as soon as I could after work. The boys were motivated to walk.  I noticed that Logan was walking with his classmate Jaime almost the entire time while Connor sometimes walked with them, and other times by himself or with his own classmates.  Both Logan and Connor were motivated; they kept making their rounds and only waved to us when passing by.  Stuart and I bought some food from the food truck and some pizza, and the boys agreed to join us only briefly to eat them.  Quickly, they were back onto the track.  Finally when Logan did 42 laps (8+ miles) and I think Connor did 32 (6+ miles), they were pleased and willing to stop. They were happy with the little prizes they earned during the big mile markers too.  We also checked out the auction items, and signed Connor up for “Teacher time” with his teacher.  Logan was slightly disappointed that his teacher did not have any signup for “Teacher time” as she is out on medical leave.  Afterward, we walked home and the boys had a good night sleep after all the walking.


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