Stuart’s Birthday

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image   Stuart decided that he did not need a day off; so both of us worked on his birthday yesterday.  We went out to try a different brewery restaurant for dinner so he could have a drink.  The place was nice and we got served quickly.  We all enjoyed a burger and got quite stuffed with all the fried food.  It was nice to be on a Friday, so Stuart actually took a quick nap after dinner.  Later in the evening, we finally let him opened the presents.  Connor had actually gone on his own after school to CVS and brought Stuart his favorite candies and brought him a gift card for Oculus games.  We wrapped up the night with an ice cream brownie cake.  We definitely ate too much last night.


Tennis season

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    Connor was selected to be in the Team 2 out of four teams this year; I was thrilled about that.  I was hoping he would have more practice each week plus matches, but somehow this year their team only has 1 practice a week.  Then with the weather, some practices and one match were cancelled.  Finally last week Connor had matches against other schools on Monday and Tuesday.  I was in the office on Monday so I could only go watch on Tuesday.  Connor and his teammate Justin are paired this season.  The team they played against on Tuesday was not very strong, so they beat them quickly.  It was still very fun for me to watch Connor playing others in a match setting.


Connor’s sleepover

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   Last weekend, Connor was invited to his friend Neil’s house for a sleepover for a belated birthday.  During the time there, they were also taken to the trampoline place to join more guests for a party there too.  I picked him up the next morning at 10am.  Connor had a great time.


Wisdom Teeth removal (4/2024)

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     On the last day of Spring Break, Logan was scheduled for his wisdoimagem teeth removal.  Logan actually wanted to have this procedure done, but when it came close to the date, he then realized that he was not able to eat as much protein and not able to continue his weight training so he was disappointed.  After a last workout on Friday morning and fasted for hours, his procedure was at 4pm.  Logan was brave and did not seem to be too nervous.  The procedure took less than 1 hour, then after the anesthesiologist briefed me in about the procedure, I was told to drive the car over to get ready for Logan.  Logan was wheeled out all drowsy and shaky after the anesthesia with gauze in this mouth; I was quite worried.  We got Logan moved into the car, and he slept all the way home.  image

    For the first 24 to 48 hours, Logan could not eat much but he did not really complain too much about pain, I made him chocolate smoothies and porridge throughout the day.  I tried to add as much soft protein that he could have since Logan was quite worried that he would lose his muscle gain.  Logan took the medications around the clock and using ice pack and later warm pad on his chin for the swelling.

    The next few days Logan continued on softer food, slowly weaning off pain med and just took the antibiotic.  He was happy to be able to return to the gym.   Logan was almost completely back to normal after one week.  It was a stressful week; we are glad that it was over.

Spring Break (April 2024)

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    We did not go anywhere this Spring Break, but we all were happy with some sleep in and relaxing time.  I was able to go to some gym classes and work on the house projects.  We also had some appointments during this week.  Logan had a contact lens fitting appointment which we did not succeed. We had to go again in May to try again.  Connor had one of his tennis practice and his orthodontist follow up.  Logan also had the most anticipated wisdom teeth removal that I would blog shortly. 

     We did do a couple of fun things.  The boys and I went to watch the Dune 2.  The theater was completed empty which was sort of cool.  Connor and I enjoyed the pretty pictures while Logan really liked the movie.  One of the evening, we went to play at Top Golf.  Going there in the evening was quite interesting too.  We had fun playing the games, having a drink and enjoying snacks and dessert.


Curly Hair Connor (late post)

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 image    Back in Feb, Connor was determined to get a perm.  He even found himself a salon and was willing to pay for it.  I just had to make him an appointment and take him there.  Connor was very patient sitting on the chair; one and a half hour, he got himself a first perm.  I think his initial reaction was that his hair were quite curly, but he never complained as it was his decision.

     I have to agree that Connor does pull off his hairdo quite well.  In a few weeks, his hair were very long and a bit out of control.  So he finally agreed to get a haircut.  A lot of hair were cut, fortunately some curls remained.  Connor looked quite different with the new haircut and it makes him taller.



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