May 25
Some of Logan’s school work has already passed beyond my ability to help him, but I can still manage to assist in math and art. Stuart usually leaves art for me to work with Logan. His recent work has been Pop Art, Mixed Media and paper machete.

While helping Logan with the paper machete, I decided to make one to work along with him and I really had fun with it. I took the extra step afterward and decorated my B.

May 23
It was time and even Connor agreed to get a trim as his hair was so long. We scheduled this major event last weekend. This time I was more prepared and was able to give him a full hair cut in one hour. I think it turned out decent.

May 23
I was given an opportunity last week to work from home. I was surprised with the offer since I am not quoted as a high risk employee, but of course I was thrilled as I have never once worked from home in my life before. Instead of a laptop, I was given a mini desktop which I brought home on Thursday and Stuart helped me set it up. Stuart even graciously gave up his nice office for me and moved his equipment to the game room. By Friday 5/15/2020, I was prepared to start working at home. It took some adjustment but otherwise I was able to efficiently in the home office.

It was nice to periodically come out of the office and be welcomed by the boys’ hugs. Sometimes Buddy would even stay quietly in the room with me while I called patients. At lunch I could join the boys to do a few Just Dance songs before having lunch. I love looking out through the window to see the trees too. I also enjoy able to start making dinner quickly after ending work. I think I will definitely get used to these perks, even though this opportunity might only last a few weeks.
Stuart’s temporary workspace:

One thing I do miss is meeting up with my coworker friend to do our lunch walk. We took a pic of our last walk for awhile.

May 16
One night when Stuart and I went upstairs to go to bed at night, this was what we saw. The boys were having a “sleepover” on the ground at the doorway. They had the audiobook Big Nate playing while they both were deep asleep. Since they were nicely tucked in with blankets, we just let them stay that way for the night.
May 16
Connor borrowed my phone a few times to modify photos for fun and he ended up making these movie posters. I thought they are funny.

May 16
We had a very low key day as expected in our current situation. The boys woke up early to write a card for me. The rest of the day they let me choose what board game I liked to play, what dinner to have
and what movie I liked to watch in the evening. I enjoyed the special attention for the day.
While the boys played video game in the afternoon. Stuart suggested for us to take a bike ride. We decided to take a route to this open l
and near our house which was 15 mins bike ride away. The huge open area was next to the IBM campus, and it was bare and open. We took the dirt road out for 10 minutes and we were barely into this open park. We will have to be more prepared to explore longer next time.

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