Mini Vacation

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

     Logan is growing up so fast.  He had just graduated from the Infant Room at daycare and will be moving on to Toddler Room next week.  The daycare is closing for a few days to prepare for the new school year, so Stuart and I both took the days off to be with Logan.  Since the school closure did not match with the Henderson’s visit (Stuarts UK Relatives), we decided to postpone our drive to southern CA to another time.  At the last minute, we made a plan for a quick getaway to somewhere local instead, Santa Cruz.

     After some recommendations from a friend, we found a great place forimage lodging.  It was right on the Santa Cruz Main Beach. This was the first time Logan saw the ocean up close and was able to play at the beach.  The sand was a bit too hot on the first day (91F); so Logan was very reserved to play.  He was a little afraid of the waves too, but he had a great time playing with water and with other little ones at the hotel kiddie pool.  The rest of day, we spent strolling around the pier and enjoying delicious meals.image  

     The evening was the part we were concerned about because Logan has not been a good sleeper lately due to teething and his new crib mobility.  He did wake up at midnight and took quite awhile before returning to sleep.  Stuart and I both worried about bothering the neighbors, so it was quite stressful to avoid any crying.  And hence, we decided to change the stay to one night instead of two. 

      We did so much on the second day before checking out from the hotel.  We had breakfast twice, did more strolling around and hit the beach again.  This time, Logan had a blast playing with the sand and watching the waves.  It was sad when we had to finally say bye to the beach. 

     Even though the trip was very short, we felt like we did a lot and had a great time despite the stressful night.  We all got quite tired when we returned home.  Logan must have missed his own bed; he felt right to sleep tonight with no complaints. 

Mobile Logan

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

Here are some clips of Logan learning new things. 



If you like to re-visit our old videos, double click on our Video of the Week to go into the YouTube site and click on Stuart’s account name “grandelatte2” on the right site.

Growing & Learning

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

   Logan is growing up so fast and is changing so much every single day.  Let’s talk about his teething first.  His first set of molars are coming in.  For an entire week he was very fussy and needy.  He would whine even while doing something he usually enjoys.  He was tiring us out so much even though he’s only up for just a few hours each night after school.  His prior good night sleep routine was broken up by one to three crying episodes.  Fortunately, the teething symptoms have now calmed imagedown this past week.  As of today, three out of the 4 first molars are showing.  We hope that he is now used to having swollen gums and will not be acting up again =)

   Nowadays going out to dinners is not as easy as before.  We have to pack enough snacks or foods to keep Logan entertained so he will stay in his seat.  And we usually have to take turns walking him around the restaurant shortly after (or while) we eat.  At least Stuart and I are getting good exercise these days.

   On a good note, Logan is learning how to properly play with some of his toys now.  Instead of being a destroyer like he used to, he has learned to stack up blocks, place toy trains on tracks and push them around.  He uses his legs to move himself forward on his tricycle.  It is fun to watch him play and to see the proud smile on his face after he successfully accomplishes a new task.  Stay tuned for more videos of his new play activities.

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