Long Playtime

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    Connor had a birthday party to attend on Sunday and he was excited to play with his friends at the game truck.  We also arranged for Maxim to come over to play with Logan while Connor was away, so everyone had fun.  When I returned to pick Connor up toward the end of the party, all the kids were at the playground after they had pizza and they were just about to sing and serve the cake.  The kids ran around the park a bit longer before Connor and I walked home.  Connor was happy to see Maxim and played briefly together before Maxim left.

   Shortly after, Cole came over to play.  Since they all had quite a bit of video games already, the three boys played 4 squares, tags, and later played some silly game inside the house.  They snacked and played again.  They did earn some more video game later.  Cole was with us for over 3 hours and basically another impromptu playdate.  The playtime allowed me some free time to do the studying that I have been procrastinated with and give Stuart’s time to set up / learn the new board games he received.


Two More Teeth Fallout

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    Connor’s second top front tooth was loose and tilted for a long time, just like the other one from last month.  It was so ready to come out that we had been offering to pull it out, but Connor declined.  Connor did finally agree that if it did not come out by Stuart’s birthday, he would let Stuart have the honor as a gift.  It ended up falling out at school on that very same day and Connor happily informed us at pick up.

    Right after that tooth, Connor moved his focus to his other loose tooth, the bottom lateral incisor.  Connor complained often how hard it was to eat with the loose tooth.  Sunday morning he woke up to show us how loose it was, and within 15 minutes he ran back up to inform that the tooth came out.  There goes his 5th shed tooth.  Now he can eat well again.


Stuart’s Birthday

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     Stuart wanted to be low key for this special birthday and just the two of us spending the day together.  We decided to go shopping at Gilroy.  We took our time, walked through many stores and we bought quite a few things for ourselves.  Before we headed home, we even did some grocery shopping as well.  We walked again to pick the boys up from school.  We finally rested a bit before heading out to dinner.  By then, we had already accumulated 16,000 steps. 

    At one of Stuart’s favorite local places, we had a nice dinner and Stuart enjoyed some crafted beers.  Afterward, we also walked around the mall and bought some more things before we headed home.  We finally presented the birthday gifts to Stuart by then and had our favorite cake to wrap up this day for Stuart.  I really enjoyed the day off with Stuart, and I think he had a good day as well.

     The boys and I drew birthday cards for Stuart.  I made mine first; Connor liked it and initially wanted to copy my card.  But later he added on his own things and it turned out more exciting than mine.  Logan quickly looked at ours, and made his own with some similarities.  I really liked their creations and liked that we all had the same theme.


Daily Walk at School

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     Started probably few months ago, Stuart and Connor walk around the school field for one or two laps every morning to get steps.  Logan does not join their ritual as Logan has his own which is meeting up with Maxim to talk.  Logan’s bell is five minutes before Connor’s, so Stuart and Connor have plenty of time to walk.  I used to feel missing out and feel that I was hardly at school anymore, so over a month ago, I had requested to start my Tuesdays later at work.  Now I can walk the boys to school every Tuesday which I love.  It is also nice to see the morning action at school and know who the boys hang out with.

   Today, both Stuart and I took the day off for his birthday, so as a special treat, Connor had both of us walking with him.  He was feeling special as well.



Birthday Parties Day

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    The boys had two birthday parties on Sunday to attend.  In the morning, it was Marcus’ Ninja party.  We arrived at this big place full of big and tall wooden boxes and other apparatus.  The boys went straight inside and joined Mckayla and Marcus.  When the instructor began with the instruction to the kids, Stuart and I took off.  We went to Willow Glen to stroll around and later took a break at a coffee shop.  When we were driving back to the party place, Michelle shared a video of Logan jumping down from a tall block.  We also caught the trail end of the fun activities when we arrived; it was good to see the boys participating.  After the activities ended, the kids got washed up and grouped for pizza.  The boys shared with us who they did.  Logan pointed out the tall block where he jumped down multiple times, and Connor told us he jumped from that high ground into a pool of mattress. They both were proud of what they did; they truly enjoyed the party and being trained to be ninjas.  It was funny that for the next two days, Logan could barely stand up from his sore legs.


    In the afternoon, we went to attend Rohan’s birthday party at the K1 Go Kart place.  This venue was intriguing as the boys had never done this, but the wait there was long before it was the kids’s turn to get on the race cars, and only 1/2 of the kids for the first round.  Logan, Rohan and 5 other of his friends were called first.  Logan followed the lead, put on the helmet and situated in the race car.  From the way Logan was sitting, we could tell that he was nervous.  But we were very proud that he just went with the flow.  After some more waiting, the kids were off onto the track.  Logan was going slow, but he was steadily increasing his speed throughout the laps.  After 14 laps, the race was finished; we were definitely very proud of Logan.  Logan was in good mood when he returned to us, but he told me that it was scary as the car was going too fast if he stepped on the pedal too hard.  Before that, Connor had already decided that he did not want to do the race.  Then Logan also did not recommend it for Connor, so Rohan went again to take Connor’s spot.  The rest of the party was a bit tough as some kids were unruly while they were hanging out, and Stuart and I felt stressed watching them.  After pizza and cake for Rohan, since Logan decided that he did not want to go on 2nd round, we headed out as it was already late.  This party was a cool experience for Logan.


Orange Belt

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    After the Friday field trip, I went home just to take a short break watching a TV program before heading back to school for pick up.  Then it was also time for martial arts.  This was the testing week and Logan just got enough class credits to be eligible.  I was glad that I was off on this day to watch the event.  The testing this time was easy; the kids who were qualified were placed on the front row and they did the moves as a group instead of individually.  The good thing was that the Master was the one, among other instructors, who critiqued Logan, and he gave Logan some great advice.  He said Logan’s moves were great and he looked like a purple belt out there.  He wanted Logan to work on more energy in general, to be louder and be more assertive.  Those were the things we often want Logan to improve on. 

    On a side note, Connor was short by ONE class to make the testing.  He was quite sad about it.  When they were changing into the suit before class, Stuart found Connor almost in tears in his room.  He wanted to move up to the sophomore class with Logan.  What we should have done was watching the boys’ class credits more closely the couple of weeks prior to the testing week to prevent this from happening.  So to make Connor hopeful and also not to have the boys in two different classes for convenience, we decided that we will pay for an private testing for Connor when he meets the requirement.

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