Ed Sheeran’s Concert

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     A few months ago, my coworker KLinh was re-selling their over purchased concert tickets for Ed Sheeran, and I convinced Stuart to go with me.  The concert was last Saturday.  This was one of the most popular concerts and was anticipating the highest number of audience, 80,000 people.  Because of that, we had to find an alternative way of transportation instead of driving, and we finalized on using VTA.  We left the boys relatively early in the afternoon to catch a direct rail to the Levi Stadium and the trip went smoothly.  This was the first time we visited this stadium; and it was beautiful as expected.  We found our section and our seats, and we were happy with the location.  Robyn, Julie and Ashlyn arrived to their seats next to us shortly after, and the concert began with Maise Peters and later Russ.  During the intermission in between the singers, I went out to meet up with a group of my current coworkers who happened to be at this concert, so we could take a group picture.  Finally Ed Sheeran began at 8pm, and he played non stop for over two and half hours.  I love many of his songs, and he did an amazing job singing and playing his guitar the entire time.  The stadium was beautiful and the sound was awesome too.  It was an incredible experience being there with all these people. I still enjoyed listening to the video clips I took later too.

     For the way back, we decided to take the offer from Kathy to get a catch with her sister who had VIP parking.  So we left our seats slightly before the end of the concert to make sure we could meet them at their car.  The ride home was nice chatting with Kathy, her two wonderful sisters and their daughters.  We finally got home at midnight.  The boys had a great night playing with Cole too.  It was a wonderful evening and I am glad that I bought the tickets.


Dora Visiting (late post)

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    Dora visited us back in August.  It was mainly Dora and I hung out which was very nice for us to catch up.  We did go swimming a couple of times and, we also had several meals together with the family.  Connor was happy to have some food that he had been craving for.


20 Years anniversary

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    Twenty years ago we met at Starbucks which changed our lives.  Cheers with coffee for many more!  image

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