Nov 30
As we did not have anything planned for Thanksgiving weekend this year we stayed home and had a relaxing holiday. We started the weekend with a Thanksgiving feast for just the
four of us. Logan loved the turkey and ham, and so did Scottie. One thing we did do was was visit the ‘Christmas in the Park’ in downtown San Jose. It was a nice, sunny day to stroll around and Logan was mesmerized by many of the Christmas decorations especially the motorized creatures. There were also many bigger kid rides which Logan enjoyed watching but would have been to scared to be on himself. We all had a good time and it was a great way to start the Christmas season. See photos from this weekend in our photo album.
During this weekend, Logan had built up his courage to walk on his own again. On Thanksgiving Day, he first started walking back and forth between us, and then navigating around furniture. He seems a lot more relaxed now and has better balance this time. Logan can walk t
o pick up something on the ground and resume walking after picking it up. He can now go up the one step in our house without holding on to anyone. Logan is very pleased with his accomplishment, and so are we (and daycare).
Logan also got to watch a little more TV this weekend =) Once we were watching a sleeping princess on TV, he turned to me and said "night-night", and leaned his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. It was so cute. This was the first time he said that word, and I’m always surprised at how much he already knows.
Nov 25
I’d been looking forward to the trip to Vegas with the guys… It’s been a while since I’ve sat at Blackjack table, ordering whiskey, and not realizing it’s 4am. However when the time to go arrived, the reality set in that this would be the first time I’ve been away from Logan overnight. I knew his mommy could easily handle everything when I’m away…but I still like to think that he would miss saying goodnight to me and seeing Daddy in the morning. But it was for a good cause….Vegas.
On leaving I got to experience the new San Jose airport terminal. They still drop you off in Terminal C to check in, but you have to walk a heck of a long way to get to the Southwest gate. The whole process of going through security is much quicker plus the airport is now larger, and cleaner looking. No longer do San Joseians have to be embarrassed when out-of-towners arrive at our airport.
I met Scott and Darren at the terminal and the flight to Vegas was pretty uneventful…maybe because I fell asleep. Scott had gotten us a good deal at Bally’s (because he’s such a high-roller) and it’s location is pretty much on the strip connected to the Paris Hotel. I was also happy to see that our current economic downturn has made a return of the $5 tables which is where i spent
most my time.
When Greg showed up later that evening we decided it was time to get down to some serious partying…
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…I don’t think we’ll forget that for some time. I left Vegas earlier than the rest of the gang as I was only allotted 2 nights away from home. The flight back was full but I made it all the way home without Bonnie helping..I was very proud of myself. I don’t have any pictures non-shredded from the here’s what the San Jose airport looks like (PR Photo)
Nov 09
Since Logan turned 16 months old, he seems to have learned to copy and follow in many different ways. He makes funny faces and tickles the sun when Kai Lan does it on TV; he jumps, claps, raises his arms as Barney does his dances. Logan also tries to mimic us when we teach him how to say words. His very first word months ago was “ball”. Now he knows “air-ple” (airplane), “nana” (banana), “apple”, and “S-de” (Scottie). Of course, he also can say “da-da” and “ma-ma”; however at times, we wonder if Logan is confused which one of us is which.
He knows some of his body parts now, he can point out his ears, head, feet and belly button almost correctly every time. We still have to work on other parts, like ears, nose, mouth and hands.
Tonight while reading, I was asking him to point to different pictures, and I was so surprised how much he actually knows already. He correctly identified airplane, doggie, froggy, and apple by pointing to them in his big picture book. It was the best reading night we have together so far =)
Just an update on Logan’s walking, since his big fall on Halloween day he seems afraid now to walk without assistance. He has been more clingy and will immediately go down to his knees when we try to let go of his hand. We hope that he will re-gain his confidence soon.
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