Pre Christmas Shopping

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     When Connor was completely recovered, on Christmas eve, we went to Santana Row in the afternoon to look at Christmas lights.  We timed it just right; when we arrived the rain had stopped.  Thus we were able to stay dry and it was not crowded.  We shopped around at the stores to buy last minute gifts and took pictures with the decorations.  Afterward we decided to have an earlier dinner too; it was great to see Connor back to his usual appetite again.  The evening lights came on just in time for me to capture few more of us before we headed home.


Terrible Cold (part 2)

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     After one week of illness, missing 5 days of school, we were relieved to see Connor feeling better over the weekend.  His temp was < 100 and he was starting to eat a bit more.  Unfortunately everything turned for the worse again on Sunday evening.  Connor had a temperature of 102 at night and he had another tough night.  Not only did all the symptoms return, they were more intense this round.  It was definitely the worst on Monday and Tuesday.  Connor’s temperature was hovering around 101-104, and it even hit 105 on Monday per Stuart.  With the temperature being so high, Connor was weak and he seemed to be out of it most of the day.  Other times, Connor was in agony, complaining tummy pain and sore throat.  His cough was getting quite bad too.  None of the medications or home remedies gave him much relief, thus Connor cried a lot these two days. It was so sad watching Connor like that and theimagere was not much Stuart and I could offer.  With the tummy pain, Connor sometimes did not even want to drink anything despite us try to encourage.  We had moved Connor to our bed on those nights, he twisted and turned most night as he was so uncomfortable. 

image      We had taken Connor to see the doctors two more times this week.  On Monday, they had switched the antibiotic for his pneumonia and also gave him 2 shots of antibiotic in his thighs, and swabbed him again for flu which turned out negative again.   We had to return on Wednesday as he was not better and we did a repeated xray.  The good news was the initial infiltrate on the lung had cleared up, and his primary doctor added on another antibiotic for a boarder coverage as his symptoms did not improve.  She also gave him an inhaler as Connor started wheezing.   By Wednesday evening, for the first time over 1.5 weeks, Connor’s temperature came down to a normal at 98.5.  His cough was still bad but the inhaler helped him breathe better.  The tummy still ached a lot for the next two days, likely from the medicines, thus Connor had a poor appetite and was scared to eat.  For this entire illness, Connor must have lost 8 to 10 lbs.  On Thursday while feeling better a bit, he was snacking on a little bit of chips with Logan and I watching Project Runway.  Shortly after, he had another major vomiting spell that led him all shaken up again.  By the weekend, Connor was finally back to his normal self and he was able to start eating food that he enjoys.  With this 2nd week of illness, Connor ended up missing the last week of school before the holidays as well as the holiday recital on Thursday and the classroom holiday party on Friday.  Connor was very bummed.  Stuart and I were very relieved when we finally had our happy and chatty child back over the weekend.

Work functions

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    The first week while Connor was sick, I had some work events to attend.  We had our Amb Care Holiday party on a Thursday night.  This year it was held at a golf course and the boss wanted us to dress up for it.  It was a nice evening seeing everyone in glamorous attires and catching up with some of my work friends.  The buffet dinner was good and we played a fun baby picture game.


    On Saturday following the party, Laura had planned this bowling event long time ago which I had signed up.  Since Connor seemed to be better that day, I attended as planned.  It was only a small group of us, but it was fun spending time with some of these younger pharmacists.  We played 2 games and I did well for me at the 2nd game.  Laura had us posed for pictures whenever we made strikes or spares.


Another Round of Illness

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    This time was with Connor; it was a long one just like Logan’s one back in November but more intense.  It all began on Friday the week before when I was called in the afternoon to pick up Connor for a mild fever.  Connor had a tummy ache and fever for the next day, but the worst did not begin until Saturday night.  He became very uncomfortable with some sore throat and tummy ache, and the fever rose.  During the next 1-2 days, Connor’s fever was up to 103-104s, and the problem was that the temperature did not respond to medications thus he did not get much relieved.  We tried cool compresses, bath and other distractions, but nothing could take Connor’s mind off his misery.  He was nauseated and that added to his frustration.  Due to the fever he also heard loud noise at timageime, so he was sad and irritated too.  On Sunday evening while I was calling in hope to get an appointment the next morning, the Advice Nurse suggested us taking Connor to ED due to his complaint of tummy pain.  So I quickly got Connor ready and we arrived at the ED at 7pm.  Maybe it was the fresh air or his braveness, Connor looked betteimager while he was being checked out.  The ED doc did not find any issue with his abdomen and he was given anti-nausea medication which really helped. 

     By Tuesday Connor seemed to be doing better despite still having some milder fever and tummy ache. Unfortunately Tuesday late night, he was woken up with high fever again.  Thus we had an appointment on Wednesday.  The covering doctor checked him out; ears were fine and lungs seemed all clear; she also swabbed him for flu virus and sent us to get a chest xray if we were interested.  She also pointed out to us that Connor had lost a lot weight but we were too surprised as he barely ate the past days.  After the appointment, I was called by end of my work day that Connor indeed showed some pneumonia on CXR, and he was given antibiotic.  The next morning Connor’s fever finally broke and he seemed to be feeling better.  Connor was still weak, and his cough had became worse and frequent; thus he continued to stay home Thu and Fri.  Poor Stuart had to make arrangement to stay home this entire week as I just had too much work to take time off.  These are the pictures Stuart sent me periodically.


    This was definitely one of the worst illness for the boys since they were > 1.  Out for 5 days of school is also our record.  Three is a charm; after Buddy being sick in October and Logan out in November, we hope that this with Connor would be it for us now.

The Rest of Dora’s Visit (late post)

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    Robb left us on Saturday after Thanksgiving, and Dora stayed with us until Tuesday morning.  It was still quite rainy, so we were mostly indoors.  We watched Frozen 2 together; Logan was able to talk Stuart into going with us.  Connor kept talking about sushi boat while they were here, and thus one night we went out for sushi.  Connor ate well and wanted to try different things as usual.  Surprisingly Logan was a bit more open as well; other than his udon, he also enjoyed the shrimp sushi and had fun picking them out from the revolving belt.  Dora and I also had a good day at the mall; we bought what we needed and had a great lunch trying a restaurant.  We also made it home on time to pick Logan up to avoid him walking home in the rain.


Thanksgiving Break

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    Dora and Robb came to spend the holiday with us.  We started the day with the turkey trot early in the morning.  Robb had intended to run with Logan, so both Dora and Robb signed up for 5k instead of 10K.  Unfortunately Logan was too weak to be even walking the 5k, so we left him at home. Dora and Robb went off first and they were 1st and 4th for their age groups.  Connor was going to walk with his friend Neil, but they did not see each other, so Connor ended up walking and running with Cole and me the entire way.  Stuart was with us for awhile then he ran off and resulted in a slightly better time than last year.  On the last stretch, Dora and Robb walked back to find us to cheer us on.  So Connor and I ended up running and had a better time.


     In the evening we had a nice pot roast and ham dinner together requested by Dora.  We then wrapped up with the pumpkin and chocolate pecan pies that Connor helped me made the other day.  We were stuffed at the end. 


    On Friday, we took the advantage of the dry weather for a hike and we also wanted to take Buddy hiking too.  We left Logan at home again as he was still not well.  The hike was nice and Buddy really enjoyed being out on the hill.


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