Award Night (late post)

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    The swim season ended a week ago; it wrapped up with an award night.  The boys did not join any meets this year, but they went to the event to support other teammates.  It turned out that all the teammates were called up to the stage and received a medal for participation too.  This was unexpected and definitely not what Logan hoped for.  But both boys were happy to receive a certificate and a nice medal.  I am so glad the boys were able to join the team this season, had learned to be a stronger swimmer and experienced some of these events in our neighborhood.


Connor’s annual physical

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   A week ago I took Connor in for an annual check up.  His growth is on track; now the estimate is that Connor will be 6’2” when he grows up.  Everything checked out fine except one thing.  The quick eye check showed that one of his eyes did not see as clearly.  Even though we wondered if the check was done too quickly and Connor did not have a chance to be ready, it would be fine to have a formal eye exam later to confirm.  The one thing Connor was very unhappy about was the vaccines that he needed; he was almost in tear while waiting for the nurse to come in to give him the shots.  It has been over a year since Connor had a well check, and I am glad that it was done.

7/14/21 vitals: 87 lb (69 percentile), 5’ (94 percentile)

Kathy and Chris’s wedding (late post)

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

   I totally forgot to blog about the beautiful day on 6/17/2021.  Kathy and Chris had to postpone their wedding from 2020 to 2021 due to the pandemic, thus it was on a Thursday this year.  I worked half day; then Stuart and I prepared to attend the wedding in the afternoon.  It was one of the hottest this year; it was 102 at home and 106 at Sunol where the wedding was.  The boys were happy to be home on their own, but we were a bit worried about a potential power outage in the extreme heat.  Fortunately our neighbor friend Lisa was on standby in case if any situation arises.image

    The wedding was in a beautiful vineyard; the ceremony was being held next to a creek and there was a big tent for the reception.  By then it was very hot especially while we sat waiting for the ceremony to begin.  But once the wedding began, we totally forgot about the heat.   Everything, especially the bride, was gorgeous.  There were beautiful speeches given throughout the evening.  It was also wonderful seeing and catching up with my old friends and old boss.  Dinner was also fantastic.  This was an awesome evening and the boys had a good time at home too.  Here are the photos of the day.



Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

    We took the net out in the backyard so we could practice our golf swings.  It had been a long time since we played, and surprisingly the boys did not forget how to swing.  We all had a good warm up before we went out to a short course on 7/4.  This was definitely the best family golf day we had.  Logan took his time before he hit and his aim was incredible.  He felt comfortable deciding which club and how big the swing to use.  He did well with putting too. Logan trailed behind Stuart and beat me with his score.  Connor did a great job teeing off and with his short game; he received his first PAR and had many really great hits. Putting was somewhat challenging for him.  The good thing was that Connor did not get mad and kept trying; Connor ended up just one point below my score.  There was one hole that we all received a Par or better.  It was a successful family golf day for us.


Swimming Summer

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

 image  There are two more weeks of practice for the boys this season.  They have become quite a strong swimmer and  somewhat familiar with four different styles of swimming.  Their own individual time for swimming laps are getting better too.. The boys have continued to decline joining the swim meets as we had planned initially upon joining the team.  We did make the swimming picture day, thus they are part of the awesome computerized group team photo.  We also joined our friends Lisa and Cole, and attended the annual team event Wahoo which was an evening of a talent show, dancing and mingling.  Even though the boys have not participated in all the events this season, I am very happy that they had advanced so much with swimming and have a taste of being part of the team.


Logan’s BD (late post)

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 image   Logan is now our teenager in the house.  Stuart was off from work and I had taken that Monday off as well, so we all stayed home enjoying a low key birthday with Logan as he wished.  He opened birthday presents, played video games, swam and played at the pool, and wrapped up the day with a pizza dinner and birthday cake.  Logan enjoyed his birthday with all the simple things he loves.



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