Short Hike

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    We had planned to go for a hike on Sunday morning, but the weather suddenly cooled down followed by a quick shower.  Thus, instead of going up the hill and be muddy, we just took a walk in the trail near us.  We decided to go as far as Stuart’s 3000 steps would take us and looped back.  We also stopped to do the exercise / stretches on the way.  One of the stops was to hop over the logs with double feet.  Connor wanted to follow our lead, but he was scared to do it.  He however did not want to give us and was determined to try it.  He was standing over the log and stared at it for awhile, and eventually did it.


Chinese New Year

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image    Every year I think I am becoming slightly less into the traditions for Chinese New Year, but there are still a few things we do.  On NY Eve last night, we went out for a Chinese dinner.  When we came home, we quickly cleaned up and tidied up the house.  Today we also gave the boys a red envelope which was the one thing they were most excited about.  One cute thing worth mentioning this year was that Connor decided to give us a red envelope too.  Last night before bed, Connor found some old red envelopes in his room and stuffed them with $1 from his own money.  This morning he woke up early and excitedly came to our room to give us the envelopes.  He is so sweet!

Valentine’s Day

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

    Both of the boys had a small Valentine’s Day parties in their classrooms.  They could also exchange Valeimagentines with classmates if they wished.  Logan did not initially want to participate, but eventually agreed with me to prepare them in case he changed his mind.  So over the weekend, they wrote the cards and I helped attaching small M&M bags to them.  On the day, Logan did end up giving his cards away and both received different treats from their classmates.

   Stuart and I don’t typically do Valentine’s celebration and buy any gifts.  So I was surprised to see the three cute cards Stuart and the boys made for me.

Catching Up Sunday

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   It had been a long time since Karen and I met up, and we finally made plan for a brunch on Sunday.  We enjoyed a good breakfast and walked next door for some unexpected dessert as well.  The two hours together was great for us to finally get caught up.  While I was gone, the boys played some game, did some of their school work with Stuart, and had lunch.  When I arrived home, the boys had already got inside Stuart’s car as they knew it was time to head to Rohan’s house.  The boys followed Rohan up to their office to play as soon as we got to their house.  Stuart and I sat with Vrinda and Nanda to talk for awhile before we had to head out to shop for a dryer.  We then decided to get a cup of coffee to do some reading before getting back to their house.  We wrapped up our visit there and the boys had a good time as well.


Olympic Coach Potatoes

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

   Since Friday’s opening ceremony, we had been sitting and watching Olympics for at least 2 hours each night.  Logan seems quite into watching all the winter sports.  Connor is interested aimages well, but only if Warriors are not playing.  He has been checking the game schedules and he asked Stuart to put on the game for them to watch upstairs while Logan and i watched the Olympics downstairs.  Connor also periodically came down to share the score with us.

Playtime Saturday

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     We looked forward our 2 hour of exercise on Saturday morning.  While Connor was in the tennis class first, Stuart, Logan and I shot some baskets around as there were no opened tennis courts.  Playing against Stuart and Logan was not easy for me; while I only made one basket, they both had a handful.  We then moved onto tennis later.  When it was Logan’s turn for the class, Connor came play with us and he showed us what he learned in serving.  After Stuart and I became quite tired, Connor wanted to switch to basketball as he heard about us playing with Logan earlier.  So we played some bball together before I was the first to stop from exhaustion.  We caught the last few minutes of Logan’s class, and the four students were playing a double.  Apparently we just missed Logan’s service game and their team won that game.

image    In the afternoon, we had initially arranged for two playdates.  We had reciprocated and invited Logan’s classmate Kayvon to come with him.  Connor has been asking to invite his classmate Dylan, so we finally decided to arrange one at the same time on Saturday.  Unfortunately in the morning Dylan’s mom had to cancel since Dylan was not feeling well.  The afternoon turned out ok for Connor as well, as Logan and Kayvon included Connor while they played on the computers.  Later Connor was asked to go play with our neighbor Cole, finally leaving Logan and Kayvon alone.  it was funny that the two boys sat a little distance from each other but were talking non stop through while playing video games.

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