Dec 27
It was a sunny day today so we decided to go to Happy Hollow in the morning. Logan was a lot more adventurous than usual, saying "yes" to the activities we suggested. We started out feeding the farm animals which he had some giggles with.
Then it was perfect timing to hit a puppet show. Both Logan and Connor enjoyed watching the animal puppets. After that we waited in line for the highlight of the day, Danny the Dragon ride. Connor was able to sit on me this time instead of being in the Bjorn, so he seemed to have a great time looking around. Logan is still obsessed with trains so
anything that resembles one is an exciting time. Maybe the Dragon ride was a bit too tame for him because once we got out of that, he saw the roller coaster and suddenly asked to ride it. Stuart and I were quite surprised with the request since Logan is very reserved about any rides. The slow pace of the dragon must have trigger his interest for something fast. Logan managed to have enough patience for another long line; during the wait, Stuart kept checking with Logan that he actually was still onboard with what was about to happen and, to his credit, Logan did not change his mind at all. Finally it was their turn and Log
an just barely made the minimum height requirement. Connor and I were watching on the side, and I was prepared to record it on video too. Finally there they were, coming down very fast. Logan did not cry, but he did not smile either. He had a slightly worried expression on his face. According to Stuart, Logan was stunned with what he got himself into. When they walked out after the short ride, I asked Logan how he liked the roller coaster, he answered with a very matter of fact tone “Too fast!”.
p.s. I screwed up….after I filmed the entire roller coaster with my camera, then I realized I did not hit start. I was so mad for not capturing Logan’s first roller coaster ride in a video.
Dec 25
Christmas has come and gone so quickly this year. Dora is here to spend Christmas with us. She arrived on the 22nd to spend some quality times with the boys. On
Christmas Eve, we all went to The Kaos for a gathering and a wonderful dinner. Ted’s famous smoked goose and ham were the main focus of the dinner, and there were some delicious side dishes and desserts too. After dinner, Ted also prepared some dough for Mckayla and Logan to make some cookies for Santa. The evening was very enjoyable; we had a good time chatting, well fed, and the kids (Mckayla, Marcus, Ashlyn, Logan and Connor) all behaved very well.
Logan warmed up to Mckayla quicker than usual and they were giggling so much with each other after dinner. They were funny to watch; see the video in our Video of the Week.
Logan woke up quite early today on Christmas. He actually has been waking up earlier (6am, or sometimes even late 5am) since he has been weaned off the pacifier. So after our breakfast and Connor was up and fed, we started our present open
ing. We had grandparents skyped in so they could participate with us. Logan was very excited to open the presents and he wanted to spend time playing with each toy. Connor was excited for his first Christmas; he loved watching all the commotion and liked playing with the packaging too. But after a little while, he was tired and needed to take his morning nap while Logan continued with the fun time. 
Today was a rainy day, so we ended up not leaving the house the entire day. Logan, Dora and I spent a little time decorating our gingerbread men, and then we spent the rest of the day playing with the new toys that we received. For Christmas dinner, we had prime rib which turned out a bit salty, but quite delicious. We are now ending the day with some delicious desserts.
Dec 21
I went to work today as a test run for the official return in January. The main thing was to see how Connor would behave being fed by someone else other than me. Before today, I have been giving him occasional bottles for practice, and he had not been doing very well with them. It would take a long time and he would only drink 2-3oz, once up to 6oz.
I was a bit nervous yesterday preparing supplies for Connor and pumping supplies for myself to bring to work. Dora arrived last night, but unfortunately her flight was 2.5 hours delayed, she did not arrive to the airport until close to midnight. So we knew that it would be a tiring day for all of us. For me, it turned out to be a good day at work. I was fortunate to have another pharmacist scheduled to work along with me. It was very nice to have her help and to learn about all the changes the past 5.5 months at work.
Unfortunately, it was not a very smooth day for Stuart, Connor and Dora. Connor did not really want to drink from me already before I had to leave to work, maybe he could sense that I was leaving him
. After I left, he was in reasonably good mood in the morning and took his usual nap, then drank 4oz from the bottle. But after that, he became more fussy and refused to drink much from the bottles any more. Stuart was able to get him to drink only 1.5oz from the other bottles. He cried a lot especially when being carried by Dora. At the end of the day when I came home, Connor finally started drinking again from me and went back to his usual happier mood, and actually returned some smiles to Auntie Dora too.
Now we need to continue training Connor to use bottles, otherwise, he may not be ‘the chubby one’ much longer.
Dec 12
This is the weekend we decided to wean Logan off his “nubbie” (pacifier). We went out to dinner on Friday night for Michelle’s birthday, so Saturday night was the night we began. We have been verbally preparing Logan for some times now that we would be giving his nubbies away to a baby, and on Saturday, we had him helped putting them away in a bag. We told him that he would not have them any more and Logan verbalized his understanding by saying “OK!”. When the bedtime came, he asked for his nubbie as usual. Stuart reminded him that they had been given away; Logan actually said “No way!” and was about to leave his bed until Stuart offered to lay down with him for a little bit. So Logan fell asleep shortly after that. Two hours later, he woke up asking for the nubbie again. He was crawling around the bed looking for them, and kicking his legs when Stuart told him to lay down. He did not seem to want to return to sleep until he had a cup of milk, then he slept until the next morning. Today at naptime, once again, Logan wanted his nubbie, so Stuart ended up laying with him initially again. But so far, the weaning has been going better than we anticipated.
This afternoon was our get together with Logan’s buddies. We were to make gingerbread houses and to have a potluck. Logan was very clingy as usual, especially when the other
kids were near him. He actually was very short temper and had a couple of short tantrums there. He did not even want to eat dinner when everyone else did. He did enjoy the making of gingerbread house a lot, and so did I. It was close to bedtime when we returned home, so the plan was to give Logan dinner before bath and bed. When we denied his request for TV, he threw the remote onto the ground, and set off his biggest tantrum ever. He was crying and screaming, and throwing some of toys onto the ground as well. Stuart had tried all tactics and Logan did not calm down. It must have been at least 20 minutes before he finally stopped and calmed down to eat his dinner. I was lucky that I was putting Connor to bed so I did not have to deal this frustration. We wonder if this tantrum had anything to do with the pacifier weaning. But Logan seems to start having shorter tempers these past few weeks.
The good thing that came out of this bad evening was that Logan was tired enough for bed and seemed fine without any pacifier. Hopefully he will stay down all night tonight.
Dec 09
The time has come that I will be returning to work soon, and therefore, it is time to prepare Connor to be taken care by someone else
I pumped out some fresh milk for him to drink by b
ottle this morning. The last time he drank out of a bottle was during his first week of life. Since then, he has been drinking directly from me which I enjoy greatly; I love the closeness with him and the convenience of it too. Connor really disliked the bottle this morning initially. He kept pushing out the nipple and got mad at me for keep putting it back in his mouth. He finally started drinking when he got distracted by the television. We are going to have another TV addict in the house. Connor loves TV already; he often turns his head whichever direction needed to face the TV. After 20 minutes of drinking, Connor finally drank 4 oz. I guess this is a good start.
Dec 05
We had my work Christmas party to attend last evening. We decided to ask the Hashiguchis to look after Logan for us, so we would only have to bring one child to the event. Stuart dropped Logan off a bit earlier at their house so that he could follow them to the Hashiguchi twin’s dance recital at 5pm. Even though Logan goes to daycare every weekday, he has hardly been away from us any other time. The only other occasion was while Connor was being born. Even though we know that Dee Dee always takes good care of him and the twins adore him, we both felt sad to leave Logan behind and missed him so much.
We were so silly! We felt much better as Dee Dee sent us photos of him periodically throughout the night.
We proceeded to the dinner party. Since I am still in my maternity leave, it was fun to see and catch up with my coworkers. Connor behaved quite well; he was being held by different people initially, then slept while we enjoyed the dinner with our friends. Throughout the evening, we were keeping an eye on the time so that we would not be too late to go pick up Logan. When we arrived at the Hashiguchi’s, he was just sitting nicely at the table eating a snack. The first sentence he said to me was that “I want to stay". It was cute to hear that and it showed how much fun he must have with them. He did change to “I want to go home” after giving us hugs. He also gave us so many kisses like we had not seen each other for days. Of course, Stuart and I were enjoying the affection we received. We are such needy parents. Thanks to Dee Dee and Scott for taking great care of Logan for us again!
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