Jul 29
On Connor’s birthday this year, it was initially meant to be the annual carnival on the last day of Math Enrichment, but unfortunately it was cancelled this year due to the school construction. The boys were a bit disappointed; however since it was his birthday, Connor was happy to have a day off with me. Maxim’s parents and I had made plan to take turns taking care of the boys on the two off days (Thursday and Friday), so for Connor’s birthday, we had Maxim with us as well.

The boys had some game time first in the morning, then I took them out to eat pizza for lunch. Connor somehow had pizza daily since his birthday party and he was pleased that it was the 6th day that day. After lunch, we went to see the Aladdin. The movie was much better than my expectation, so all of us really enjoyed it. After Maxim’s parent picked up Maxim in the afternoon, the three of us went to the pool to swim. It was very quiet on a Thursday afternoon, so we had fun having the pool mainly to ourselves. For dinner, Connor finally chose something other than pizza, so after Stuart came home and we went out for ramen. Connor looked forward to the evening to eventually find out if he had more presents. We wrapped up the day with our family favorite ice cream cake and then played a few rounds of family laser tags with his new toy. Connor loves birthdays and he enjoyed this year very much as well.

Jul 27
Last Wednesday ended the 5 and half weeks of Math Enrichment which meant the majority of the summer has passed. Wow! The boys seemed to have enjoyed the program again this year; it was likely due to the daily video games. Afterward we hit the cabana for Wednesday night dinner as we have been during this summer. Especially with the heat, the boys enjoyed a little swim after dinner.

Jul 27
Last Sunday the boys and I rode our bikes around the neighborhood and met up with Stuart and Buddy at a local park. Buddy was intrigued with the structure and watching us running around it. He also got freaked out when we slid down the slides, and we were so mean keeping doing it to him. Since the park was empty, we let Buddy up and down the slides too. He got the hang of it at the end.

Jul 21
Connor was going back and forth about wanting a party, and finally decided that he wanted a small party at the cabana. With a few scheduling issues, we decided to have the party on Saturday, and thus we were able to send out the invite only a week prior to the party. Fortunately 7 of his friends were able to join us. Saturday morning was busy for us; I had my hair appointment, Stuart took Buddy to the obedience class, and the boys had their martial arts. After all those on our schedule, we brought our prepared things to the cabana, picked up the pizzas and set up the pool area prior to our guests’ arrival.
After all the kids arrived and a few parents stayed to hang out with us, we started a late lunch. The finger snacks I prepared along with the pizza seemed to be going well and fed everyone before the kids went off to play. All of them gathered to play at the big pool; I heard they played Silence and Shark and Minnows. The waterguns we gave the kids as a favor were a good hit; they were being used in the water and as they were running around the lawn too. We also saw Connor and a few kids played a PG version of Spin the Bottle. Later while a few kids were diving into the diving pool, Connor and his friends played judges for their dives. It was cute watching them have fun together. Some of them also played at the sand later as well.
In between plays, the kids came to our area for food and snacks. Half an hour before the end of the party, we all sang to Connor and enjoyed the cupcakes along with the rice krispies and brownies that I made too. One of the great things about this party was that the cabana was quiet that day and allowing us to have 1/2 of the facility all to ourselves. A few kids and parents ended up staying past the party’s end time. We finally packed up after being at the cabana for 4 hours and went home being tired. As soon as we were home, Connor was not tired and could not wait to open his presents from his friends. This was a great day for Connor.

Jul 12
This year Gloria and Chuck came to visit us. They arrived very late on Wednesday night; Buddy was still up and was excited to meet them. The next day, on the holiday, we had a busy day. We took Buddy for a walk in the morning, then all of us minus Buddy joined the neighborhood for the annual parade with the firetruck. Afterward, we returned to the cabana for swimming and a bbq lunch. This year the boys decided not to do the “coin dive"; thus when the event happened, the boys were content just watching other kids searching for coins. Next was the famous “greased watermelon fight”. To me, this event was quite violent, but the crowds including the boys loved watching it. We were exhausted after few hours in the sun, so we took a break at home before we barbequed for dinner. Before sunset, we headed out to the Almaden Lake park for the fireworks. The show this year was great again. There was a weird pause toward the end, but the finale did eventually come and did not disappoint. The show definitely worth the walk we had to make to go to the park. At the end of the day, we all had over 20K steps.

The next two days, Gloria and Chuck just wanted to relax, so we just hung out near home. We went for some shopping, made hotpot for dinner, and went swimming every day. Logan and Connor spent some time drawing with Chuck as they are aware that he is an artist. Gloria and Chuck also shared their experience about dogs with us and taught us some tips to help train Buddy too. This was a nice weekend spending some time with Gloria and Chuck.

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