Hiking in the Cold

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    It was cold but sunny today, so we decided to go for a hike at our usual place.  We layered up and were ready; we started with the big hill first.  Being the second time there on this slope, the boys made it up without any problems.  Then we continued on our usual path.  Logan and Stuart were on a faster pace, so there were ahead of us.  Connor told me some stories while we strolled and he was very entertaining.  We made it to the playground.  It was cold and windy, but the boys still had fun playing at the structures.  Stuart and I hunkered down behind a climbing rock for shelter and quickly ate our small packed lunch and saved the ones for the boys for later.  We started the return hike back to avoid being too cold staying in one place.  Even though it was cold, it was a nice little hike today.


This was one of the stories I heard today

Just Dance

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    We broke the seal on another Christmas present yesterday, Just Dance (Xbox).  After naptime we decided to give it a shot.  Connor was so excited; he chose one of his favorites song “What does the fox say?” and he got ready on the rug.  Logan sat down on a chair and encouraged Stuart and I to go up to dance with Connor.  He said “I am not in good with dancing, but you are good and you should go dance”.  So the three of us danced the first song, but Connor mostly stood there with just a little wave.  While Stuart searched for the next song, we came across “Let It Go” and Connor was so thrilled.  By then we encouraged Logan to come up with us and told him that he could just stand there which he finally agreed.  This song did the magic; all four of us danced and had a good laugh at ourselves.  Since then, the boys were hooked and kept looking through the songs and dancing away. 

   This was the third song the boys had done.

   Today the boys discussed and made plans to play Just Dance again after Logan had already had some Minecraft time in the morning and again after nap.  Logan tries hard most of the time as he is interested in winning the game.  Connor was happy that he had won two songs but most of the times he is just into doing his best.  I am enjoying the game too as it is definitely giving me good exercise and a good sweat.

Parks with the Grandparents

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     After the boys played with their new toys on 12/26 morning, we decided to pay a visit to Happy Hollow.  We just wanted somewhere local and it had been a long time since we had been there.  The boys remembered the maze, the big structure and the puppet show at the park which continue to be their favorite.  Once we entered the park, the boys played at a small climbing structure and visited the lemurs, the anteaters and the farm animals.  Then on our way to the big play structure, the boys went a few round inside the maze.  Logan and Connor asked Stuart to play tag with them at the climbing structure so we spent quite a bit of time there.  Before the show time for the puppet show, we made our way over and the boys sat on a first row seat.  Connor was so excited for the show that he was sitting up so straight and still while we waited the 10 minutes before it started.  Logan was excited too; he was not as patient as Connor, but he became more relaxed when he leaned on Grandma to wait.  The show was cute; both boys clapped after each curtain down and laughed several times.  After the show, we wanted to grab lunch.  It was a cold day and although standing in the sun was nice, it was too chilly while we had our lunch outside.  We quickly finished eating and started walking around again.  At some point, we encouraged the boys to try a bike peddling.  Logan was not interested but Connor was willing to partake.  He had this big eager smile on his face the entire time he peddled around the loop two times.  He was a good sport!  Afterward, we walked over to the other side of the park to check out the small zoo.  We saw some small animals, and later the boys were more interested in brushing off the sand on the fake dinosaurs in the playground area.  After tiring ourselves out with the walking, we left the park and both boys fell asleep in the car.

     On 12/27, once again we played some games in the house before we headed out in the late morning, and we just chose a local park.  The grandparents took a nice walk while the boys played at the playground.  We then threw around a football, and even Grandma had a go at it with us too.  Connor was interested to learn this new sport and was slowly improving.  In the afternoon, back at home, Logan was excited to ask Stuart to help him finish putting together his model tank.  Connor took out his Lego fire truck and assisted Grandpa putting it together.  The four of them worked quietly and nicely for over an hour, and both projects were completed right before dinner.  The boys were happy to play with the vehicles during dinnertime. 

    The grandparents returned home today.  We all went to the airport to see them off and they flew home safely.  It was a nice visit with the grandparents, and tomorrow Stuart is back to work.


Christmas Day

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    We heard chattering before wake up time in the morning, and as soon as the clock struck 6:30am the boys came over to our room and loudly said “Wake up time”.  They were excited to open presents or peek into their stockings, but we had to wait until after breakfast.  Once we were ready, the boys dug into the stockings first to open their small gifts, then we all moved over to the living room.  The boys were so excited to crawl around looking at all the presents with their names on them.  We had to ask them to pace themselves and bring presents to grandparents, Stuart and myself in between theirs.  We all took turns opening and enjoying our gifts.  The boys were very happy with all the great things Santa, family and friends had given to them.  For the rest of the morning, we spent time looking through many of our gifts and playing with them.  Logan spent most of his time on the Minecraft Xbox game and Connor played with some of his toys along with Logan’s bow and arrow too.

    After nap, Logan and Connor tried to use the new Spirograph to draw which was a little too difficult for them.  So they moved on to free drawing.  Once I got our dinner into the oven, we started decorating Gingerbread Man cookies.  The boys were determined to make a good looking gingerbread man.  With the help from Grandma, they did a great job.  Logan had an alternative motive to put more M&M on his as he really likes eating them. 

    We all gathered at the dinner table for our holiday meal.  Ham was the biggest hit for everyone.  We continued the tradition of holiday crackers, and the boys had a great time attempting to pull them.  These crackers were not the best made but they actually added more laughter from all of us.  After dinner, the boys attacked their gingerbread man cookies.  At the end of the day, one cookie lost the head and the other lost the feet while we had two happy boys. 

     The big build up to the holiday was now over.  Poor Connor was a bit sad about it.  At bedtime, he kept asking about what the next big events/holidays are coming up, so he could switch gear to the next celebration.  He’s now practicing drawing New Years fireworks.

    Here are our photos from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


Christmas Eve

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image    The grandparents arrived yesterday to spend Christmas with us.  Stuart and Logan picked them up at the airport, and Connor waited patiently for their arrival after our nap.  Shortly after the grandparents settled in, Connor brought out the game Sequence to play with Grandma.  A few games of that, Connor played a game of Chess with Grandpa too.  We hung out the rest of the evening and went out for a wonderful dinner.

     Today the boys were so excited that there was only one day before Christmas.  We relaxed in the house in the morning and planned to take a stroll at the Christmas in the Park after nap.  As soon as Connor woke up, he told me he was ready to go.  We knew that there was a chance for a brief rain in the afternoon, but it actually poured when we were driving.  Fortunately the rain stopped when we arrived at downtown.  Once we walked in the park, Connor saw a glimpse of Santa and wanted to go see him in the Santa House, but we were not interested to stand in the long line; good thing was that Connor was not difficult to distract.  It was a nice walk to see the decorations.  It was even better with a cup of hot chocolate; the boys loved having the idea of the drink, but neither of them drank too much of it.  Overall it was a fun and festive outing. 

    We came home for dinner.  While I got food on the table, the boys watched The Grinch with grandma.  After dinner, the boys and I made cookies for Santa.  The boys helped sort out Christmas colored M&M and finished the final touch on the cookies.  They enjoyed eating some M&M and had a taste of the cookie afterward too. 

    The day the boys have been waiting for is finally tomorrow.  They set up a little table with a blanket for the cookies and milk along with the drawings they had made for Santa.  We all look forward for the big day.



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    Karen and Kyle came over for a visit this morning.  The boys tried to be good hosts and offer things for Kyle to play.  They decided on playing a Lego Xbox; I left the bonus room before finding out which specific game Kyle and Logan ended up picking.  Connor followed me downstairs too as he wanted to play the new game Sequence he just learned; Karen later came along as well.  Karen and I chitchatted and snacked while we played Sequence with Connor.  Connor played quite well and was so excited as he won many games.  He was keeping track of the number of games he won and was being so cute.  Kyle and Logan seemed to be doing well upstairs too as we heard occasional laughter.  After quite a long time and like 6 games of Sequence with Connor, Kyle came down to take Karen’s place in the game.  I asked Logan to join us too.  We played a couple more games until it was time for Karen and Kyle to leave for their lunch plan.  It was a fun two hours get-together. 

     Connor is now so into Sequence.  He waited until Stuart was done with work at the end of the day, and played a few games with him.  Now Connor had won a grand total of 10 games in two days which he was happy to share.


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