First Day with Underwear

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

image     I decided to put Connor in underwear today.  He was quite excited with it as he knows it means that he is a big boy like Logan now.  He loved it after we switched over this morning and he was happy to share the news with Daddy and Logan.  We reminded and took him to the restroom periodically all day and switched him to a pull-up for naptime.  Connor did very well, and the underwear stayed dry all day.  It has been very nice that we don’t have to bring our diaper bag with us everywhere anymore.

A Hot Afternoon

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

    It was very hot this afternoon.  We thought about going swimming, but we were too lazy to get ready for thaimaget whole ordeal.  So we opted to stay indoors to play games.  Logan and I took out one of his birthday presents to play, a Lego Pirate game (from Grandma/Grandpa).  He and I set it up together, built the pirate ship.  After that, Stuart and I switched; Stuart learned and taught Logan how to play the game.  They played a few times and Logan finally learned how to play and learned some sportsmanship too.  I took some toys out to play with Connor too.  We played with a box of airplanes to sort through the colors, then we used Domino pieces to build different things.image

    Finally by 6pm, we dared to go out.  We walked around the plaza at Pruneyard and looked for a place to eat dinner.  We decided on a restaurant that we actually never dined inside.  It was a fun place, and the food was good.  Stuart also tried a sampler of beers that he enjoyed.  To my surprise, we all really liked the Buffalo wings (with the sauce on the side); Logan had two wings after he ate everything else that I gave him.  Connor also had one wing, but he only ate half of it as he was mainly into the ranch dressing.  After dinner we took another nice walk around while the boys ran and competed with each other.  We also did some grocery shopping there before going home.


Alex’s Birthday Party

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

   Just a quick note about the party that Logan and Stuart attended on Sunday; it was for Alex’s 5th birthday.  The party was quite elaborate as the first hour involved some puzzle solving to figure out the location for the second half.  Logan did fine participating with everything.  For the second hour, they met up at the Little Gym.  Logan had no hesitation this time according to Stuart, he took off his shoes as instructed and joined the group in all the activities.  He listened and followed the instruction from the coach.  This was very different from the old Logan a year ago when we put him in those weekly classes.  During the entire party, Logan seemed to have a lot of fun, and they ended it with some pizza and cake.


Logan’s Five Year Old Doctor Visit

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

    I took Logan to see his doctor on Monday for his annual checkup.  Logan was worried about it initially as he thought he would receive shots.  We talked over what would happen during the visit, then Logan was fine about it.  After we checked in at the receptionist, I had Logan help me answer the questionnaire about his current status.  For example, he said NO about drinking juice/soda often or crossing streets without adults, and he said YES for knowing how to count from 1-10, draw a person with head/body/arms/legs, and how to write his name.  He actually wrote all that out on the questionnaire to prove that he was able to do them.  When the medical assistant called us in, Logan was cooperative for weighing and measuring height and blood pressure.  We were then brought into a room to a vision check.  He was not covering his one eye at a time very well, so I did that for him.  But he read off the letters on the board quickly as he was told.  He did miss some letters; I was not sure if he just misread them or he could not see them well.

    While we were waiting for the doctor to come in, we read through the book that was given to him from the office, “Where the Wild Things Are”.  The doctor came in and said hi; Logan reciprocated nicely.  The doctor was very nice and friendly, so Logan was very cooperative throughout the physical exam.  He breathed in and out nicely as instructed while she listened to his lungs.  Everything checked out well.  She went through his growth status with me, and she informed that as his height has been quite steady (around 85 percentile), he would be estimated to be 6’1” when he grows up. 

Weight = 43.3lbs (68% similar to 69% from last year)

Height = 45 inches (87%, last year 85%)

BMI = 36%

BP = 86/42, P = 99

     The only issue was Logan’s vision which was listed as only 20/40, so I was suggested to take Logan in for a formal vision test.  While the doctor was typing on the computer, Logan sneaked up next to her, and she ended up encircling him with her arms while she typed.  Logan was playing nicely with her until we were dismissed.

    Logan enjoyed the visit very much, and now he is looking forward to another visit next week to the eye doctor.


Living in a Bubble

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    Our house was placed in the market on Tuesday, and since then, Stuart and I have kept the house as clean and spotless as we can.  We have decided to eat out every night to avoid cooking, eating and making messes.  The boys are definitely enjoying our evening adventure too.  Rohan and parents also invited us to their house to hang out, so we were there on Thursday to have dinner and play.  Both Logan and Connor were thrilled to go see Rohan as always.
    On Saturday morning, Stuart and I felt quite stressed as it was the first weekend of open house and our street had an unusual event.  One of the neighbors on the other end of the street sent out a notice recently for a yard sale on Saturday morning and they invited other neighbors to join in for a block sale.  We could not tell how many households were participating but the street traffic was the busiest we had ever seen in the eight years that we live here.  Our across the street neighbor also chose the same day to start their stucco project.  So with the chaotic traffic and the drilling noise, Stuart and I were glad to pack up to leave the house for the birthday party.  We did do a drive by after the party and the street did resume part of his quiet feel.
    Afterward, we checked into the hotel as we had planned so we all could take a break.  All four of us took a nice nap and hung out inside our room to relax.  We had been staying at hotels quite frequently lately that we are getting very comfortable with it.  The boys enjoy sharing their beds with us, and watching TV in bed or playing with the Tablet.  We returned home briefly to allow Scottie back inside the house and situated him for the night.  We then returned to the hotel for the evening.  The hotel was in walking distance to a Chinese plaza, so we took advantage of that to take walks.  We had dinner there and the boys could run around before we walked back.  We then hung out around the fire pit in the hotel’s courtyard where Stuart enjoyed a beer and the kids their milk before we ended the night.
    On Sunday morning, we walked back to the plaza to get breakfast which was quite refreshing.  Then Logan had a chance opening all of his presents from the party and Connor even received an early one for him too.  Logan had fun trying to read each of birthday cards and studying each of his presents.  Later on, while Stuart and Logan went to attend Alex’s birthday party, Connor and I hung out at the hotel some more.  Since the weather was cooler today, I did not want to go to the pool so Connor and I just walked around here, at the adjacent hotel, then again at the plaza.  We had lunch there and returned to the hotel for a nap.  When the boys returned, we all packed up for a late checkout.
    We were invited back to Rohan’s house to hang out again as our house was still being shown.  The Merons were there too; we all relaxed in the backyard while the kids played in the jumpy house.  We had an ice cream break; our boys loved the drumsticks and the other three kids liked popsicles instead.  The bigger kids then went inside the house while Connor and Raz continued playing with the jumpy house.  The two of them were both quite chatty at times which was very cute.  At 6pm, we left and we finally had dinner at our sweet home for the first time in many days.


Logan’s Birthday Party

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

     For Logan’s 5th birthday we decided to have a party at JCC (a community center) yesterday.  We invited ours and Logan’s friends.  We arrived at 10:30am with some fruits, snacks, cake and balloons.  The organizer met us at the entrance to help bring everything in.  The playground was set up nicely with two jumpy houses and a long decorated table.  Logan did not waste much time and started climbing up the structures.  Connor wanted to try out the jumpy house but complained that the fabric was too hot, so he ended up just hanging out with me and setting up things.  Right at party starting time, Mckayla and Michelle arrived.  Then shortly after, many more people slowly trickled in, Colton, Brandon, Peyton, Ashlyn, Cameron, Colby, Caleb, Abby, Rohan, Bar, Raz, Hunter, Ian, Kira, Hailey, Ashley, Kasey and all the parents.  Some of us started eating, like Connor.  He wanted to eat fruits and Sun chips, but refused pizza.  We suggested that he sit down with Peyton to eat but he wanted Raz to sit with him too.  He was sort of attached to me during the party and kept wanting me to sit with him, but I had to find ways to walk around to talk with our guests.  On the other hand, Logan spent most of his time in the jumpy houses with Colton and Rohan.  All three of them were giggling, climbing, pretend shooting and bouncing inside.  They were moving so much that I barely could take pictures to them.  They also played with the other boys Ian and Brandon briefly too.  This was probably one of the most fun I have seen Logan have at a party; I was pleased to see that.  It was quite warm yesterday and as a result Logan was very sweaty.  The only times we saw Logan was when he came to us for water and when we asked him to do the cake.
    We all gathered around Logan for a few pictures and the birthday song, then Logan and the boys immediately excused themselves back to playing.  The rest of us enjoyed some cupcakes. Connor ate an entire cupcake by himself.  After being at the playground area for an hour and a half, we all slowly migrated to the poolside.  Logan did not really want to move away from the jumpy houses initially, but the hunger finally hit him and so he happily moved one box of cheese pizza with him to the table by the pool and started eating.  At that point, few more guests arrived, Alex and Marcus.  Logan, Colton and Connor all chowed down some food while the guests prepared and went into the pool.  Some kids had to take a swim test to prove their proficiency while others stayed in the water with their parents.  We finally moved Logan and Connor to the pool but neither of them were interested to go into the water with Stuart.  They ended up staying by the steps with me playing with the pool toys.  Logan continued playing with Colton while Connor tossed the water rings for Mckayla and Peyton to fish out. 
      An hour of water time ended.  We all showered and migrated back to the party table to eat some more.  We then started saying byes to our guests and Connor liked helping to pass out the pirate gift bags to the kids.  We packed up to end this fun-filled two and half hour party for our big boy Logan.


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