Dec 16
Right after Stuart returned from his trip, he took me to attend his work holiday party on Saturday. This was the first Stuart’s work holiday party that I was able to attend, so I was excited too. It was held at one of the Google offices. When we arrived at 7:45pm, only 15 mins after the party began, there were tons of people already. The decorations there were very nice. There were lines formed in front of the different foods on both floors. Outside the building, there were a few tents with other activities, ie.karaoke, photo-op and drawing, and arcade games, etc. There was a drink bar in each of these tents too. I was quite impressed with all that being provided. We got a drink and started to wait in line for food. There were a lot of people and the lines for food were not well defined and maintained which was somewhat frustrating. We got something to eat and they were yummy, but we definitely not wanting to spend more time to try everything else.
We walked around again. There was a dance hall with good music and it became quite packed toward the end of the night We found a room with a Lego craft; we made a little cool project, and we also took an ornament home for Connor. They also had casino tables there as well and we spent some time playing Black Jack and roulette with fake money. At the end we had some desserts, like cream buffs and hot mini donuts and coffee which hit the spot well. By 11pm, my legs were tired. We then discovered another location with more art and craft but we were ready to go home at that point. Overall I was impressed with the party and had a great time just hanging out with Stuart.

Dec 14
Stuart had a week-long team building work function in London; he left on the Saturday so he could arrive on Sunday before the work week began. The three of us and Buddy had to hold down the fort here at home. The first day for us was uneventful except one sink clogged. Connor and I played tennis the next morning and everything was fine, until Connor threw up in the afternoon. He was then hanging out with me to rest, and that was when I realized he had a fever. Connor’s fever lasted two full days and it went up quite high to 102.9 at one point. Fortunately I had planned to work home on Monday, so the day was not too hectic. Connor was medicated and rested as much as he could those first two days. He did not eat much as he was feeling nausea. Finally by Wednesday his fever was mostly gone, but he was still tired and bothered by his throat and some runny nose. We had prepared for Connor to potentially return to school on Thursday, but ultimately he stayed home to get stronger; his appetite still did not return to normal yet. He also started to have a cough as well. While he had been off for the days from school, Connor did try to do some of the missing work on his own. He also had to study for a science and math test on Friday. After Connor finished with the science study guide, he and I also reviewed all of this math topics together for this test. Finally reluctantly, Connor returned to school on Friday and did his best for the tests.
This week was also tough as I had to be standby for my mom and Yvonne’s medical appointments and updates. The norm finally restored when Stuart’s flight landed on Friday and returned home. Our lives are definitely better with Stuart’s back with us. Stuart had a long packed week there in London too, but it also went well.
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