Posted By stuart 1 Comment » During our visit to So Cal last weekend, we had bbq’d at my brothers place. After the feast Andrew pulled out ye old Subbuteo game we used to play when we were young. Not only did he still have the entire soccer set in pristine condition, but he still had our ancient tablecloth which we had used as the underlayer back then. I think he believes some sudden middle-age fame will make all his stuff priceless.
As for the game and how it played out…..although very rusty and requiring a quick refresher on the game, I was still able to pull out to a 1-0 lead by half time. Jacob rubbed it in by telling his Dad not to take it so easy on me. Andrew quickly tied it up at the start of the second half, I don’t quite recall the circumstances but I’m sure it involved luck. Then with my Mom counting down the seconds left in regulation, Andrew scored with maybe only a tick of the clock left.
Andrew was of course ecstatic with the result, but I say it is a bit premature since I have registered my official complaint with the league of both inaccurate time-keeping and questionable ball placement during the final goal.

Southern CA Visit
Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »We drove down to visit Logan’s Grandparents, and his Uncle and Auntie’s family this past weekend. Logan did quite well on the drive, and Stuart made his usual good time to LA (5.5 hrs). Logan only took a few minutes before warming up to the grandparents. We spent the next day having quality playtime with them and Logan enjoyed playing with his toys and taking tours of the garden with Grandma. He loved watching every move Grandpa made and loved giving high-fives to him.
On the next day, we all drove to Corona to visit Uncle Andrew, Auntie Julie, Trevor and Jake. The weather was perfect; and we came prepared for a swim at their beautiful pool. Logan wore his first swimsuit and experienced his first swim that day. Logan enjoyed the water only after a few minutes of getting used to it. He had a great time floating in the water for the next 40 minutes. After that, he was exhausted and had a good nap. That day was also a big day for Trevor, his junior prom night. He looked very handsome with the new hair cut and his tux. Hope he had a good time at the prom. We ended the good day with Andrew beating Stuart on the game Subbuteo.
After spending the following morning with the grandparents, we headed back home. Logan behaved very well the entire trip, but was quite tired after the long drive in the heat.
On a funny note, Logan really enjoyed swimming. When I was bathing him last night, he dipped his face in the water twice and smiled at me. I think we might have a swimmer in this family soon
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A Good Friday
Posted By Bonnie 3 Comments » Since it was an off day for Daycare yesterday, I stayed home to be with Logan. A friend of mine was not able to take the time off work, so I offered to watch her 3 year old Jesselyn. Stuart decided not to work either in case I needed his help; he also needed to finish filing our taxes. Jesselyn is an easy kid to look after. She plays with us, and she listens to me for whatever I ask of her. Logan loved the company; he watched Jesselyn played and he smiled at her all day long. In the afternoon, Stuart and I took both kids out for a ride…. we went to a kiddie hair cut shop and Target.
Logan’s hair has been out of control lately and Stuart thought that he looked like a girl with longer hair. So we finally decided to check out the neighborhood hair cut shop. The shop was a fun place as it has all kinds of toy chairs and fun games. The lady did a very nice and quick job, but Logan did not appreciate someone messing with his hair. He cried almost the whole time, but didn’t struggle or move at all. It was worth it as Logan now has a beautiful haircut.
Last evening Logan and I went to a birthday dinner for a friend while Stuart played tennis with Robert. Logan was extremely playful at the restaurant; he was smiley to everyone, at times, even flirting with the girls. Now I have finally learned that Logan loves being surrounded by girls. He may be a trouble maker when he grows up.
Change your Name!
Posted By stuart 2 Comments »Texas State Rep Betty Brown (no relation) came up with a great idea to make it easier for us white people who try to pronounce Asian names. Her idea: Change Your name !
Read here: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/04/09/brown-asian-names/
Bonnie has already done her part….whats holding up the rest of you?
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