Two Month Old Connor

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

Connor is now 2 month old.  He is growing up so fast.  Using the home scale, we learned that Connor has doubled his birth weight.  He is now 14lbs 2oz as of yesterday.

Video requested by Grandma (but unable to capture smile):

Two Month Old Appointment

Posted By Bonnie 2 Comments »

     Connor is now 7 week old, and he had his two-month doctor appointment today.  He has grown so well that he has almost doubled his birth weight and has caught up to a similar weight and height that Logan was at 2-months old (just with a little smaller head image=) ).

Weight = 13 lb 1.5 oz (92 percentile..previously 18%)

Height = 24 inches (93 percentile..previously 63%)

Head circumference = 15.75 inches (65 percentile..previously 48%)

     The only concern we had for the doctor was Connor’s frequent spit ups.  The amount is usually not a lot, but we definitely can’t go without a burping cloth at each feeding.  Since Connor is not showing any discomfort and he is gaining weight well, I was just told to burp him more frequently.  Everything else also checked out well. 

     After the doctor visit, we proceeded to the Injection Clinic for his vaccinations (3 injections and 1 oral).  He certainly did not like the injections; he screamed and his face turned bright red from the crying.  For the next few hours, Connor was more drowsy and slept more, but every time when he woke up he got so upset again.  He would cry so hard that he could barely catch his breath.  He was even too mad to drink milk; the only way to calm him down was by constant bouncing on the exercise ball.  Poor little Connor!  He finally returned to his usual self this evening.


Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

This past week Logan has started to show some affection toward Connor.  Logan will now sit next to, or lean on, me when I am holding Connor.  Logan will go up to Connor to gently pat him on his head or on his tummy.  He used a finger to poke Connor softly and say “tickle”.  He would hush to tell us to be quiet and said “Connor’s sleeping”.  He went up to Connor on his own twice now to give kisses to him on his head.  He even handed a car to Connor when Stuart asked if he would share one with him.  We are also quite happy that Logan is gentle with Connor too.IMG_4728

We heard that the bigger sibling may regress a bit after the little one is born, and we think that Logan has showed some of this.  Logan is not throwing more tantrums, but when he gets frustrated he will almost cry like a baby, kick his arms and legs, or crawl on the ground.  He also seems more attached to Daddy now and hardly wants to play with his toys by himself.  The toughest one is that Logan has been waking up at least once or twice each night.  He will always ask for milk and once he gets it, go right back to sleep.  We do hope that this phase will pass soon.

First Cold

Posted By Bonnie 1 Comment »

Logan started coming down with cold symptoms on Sunday.  He must have picked up the cold virus from CDM or library since he was off from school for several days at that point.  He has congestion, runny nose and coughing.  Fortunately he does not have any fever and acts as usual (except more cranky at times), so he continues to go to school.  We tried our best to clean our hands between the two kids to avoid spreading the germs, however, Connor could not stay away this time.  He developed a few coughs and sneezes over Tuesday night, and watery eye on Wednesday.  Last night, he also had some congestion which required some suctioning from his little nose before feeding.  It is so sad to hear the little coughing noise coming from Connor.  Thanks goodness that he does not have any fever either and so far he is still drinking ok.   Hopefully both kids will fight off the lingering symptoms soon.  Logan had his first cold at 4.5 month when he started daycare, and poor Connor has his first so young at 5 weeks old.

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