Oct 25
It was the school’s Pumpkin Bust event on Friday, and the boys were excited. They were happy to wear the event shirts to school, and as soon as I returned from work at the end the day, they were ready to head back to school. When we arrived at the blacktop, the event was in full swing. We walked quickly around to check out the food offering; the boys decided on pizza and I waited in line at a hotdog truck. We all then met up at a long picnic table with some of Connor’s kindergarten families to have our dinner. Soon after the boys had a full tummies, they were ready to check out the activities. They started with the book fair and came back to show me the cool books they bought. Then we played some carnival games, and afterward Connor and I took off on our own to try the Cake Walk that Connor was looking forward to. Connor wanted me to play with him and since there were a few adults too, both of us waited in line. It was our turn and Connor was happily marching while the music played. When the music stopped, I was left with no spot to stand on, so I had to separate with Connor as I was directed to move to a free spot. I was just hanging out there and not paying attention, and it turned out I was standing in the winning spot. I was a bit embarrassed winning a kid game, so I hurried over to grab Connor to cheer for our winning. We then selected a yummy looking small double chocolate cake for our reward. Connor was so thrilled to share the great news with Stuart and Logan. I was feeling great that I was lucky to win the Cake Walk two years in a row too. The boys played a few more games and buy a few small toys until our tickets were used up. Then we started our trek home with a full bag of goodies.

Oct 24
We made a video with photos from our last ten years for keepsake. The boys really enjoyed watching it and had a great laugh seeing themselves as babies. After the first time watching it, Connor told me quietly that he really liked it and that he almost cried while watching it. Connor is our sensitive boy.
Oct 24
Thursday was our 10-year anniversary and I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. Stuart and I both took the day off to spend together, and these days our favorite thing to do together has been golfing. After we dropped the boys off at CDC in the morning, we headed up to our tee time. My preferred golf course was under renovation on it’s back nine, therefore, we made a plan to play the front nine twice to get 18 holes. After a little bit of warm up, we were off to start as a two-some. It was great being out in the course again, and not being crowded was an extra bonus. Both of us were doing fine with our swings, but I did lose quite a few balls in the hazards. I got a better hang of it by the second 9 holes and had some good hits per my standard. I was especially happy since I did not lose any balls in this round. However I had lost my pitching wedge somewhere on the way. More crazy then that was at the third to last hole, I hit my ball to the shrub. I was being careless and impatient, and used my arm to retrieve a ball instead of using my club to push it out all the way. As soon as I grabbed the ball, I felt tingling and Stuart noticed the poison oak. I rinsed my skin off with a little bit of water, and tried to focus and finish up the rest of the holes. Both Stuart and I beat our own scores in the second nine which I was very happy with. Then I quickly went to wash my arm with soap and water while Stuart checked with Lost and Found at the pro shop. Luckily Stuart was able to recover my club. Probably because I was able to wash my skin relatively quickly, it ended up not bothering me too much other than a slight pins and needle numbness for the rest of the day. This was the first time I was exposed to poison oak; it was an interesting experience.
We had our favorite lunch, and took a nap in the afternoon. It was quite relaxing. After we picked up the boys at school and finished their homework, we headed out for dinner. The boys were happy to celebrate the big day with us too.

Oct 19
Logan’s school work has been keeping us on our toes lately. A few weeks back, we were worried if Logan was falling behind based on what we saw from his classwork and the brief observation I had in class. I emailed the teacher to consider a meeting to discuss how we should help him at home. The teacher kindly responded that Logan is actually doing well and is trying hard in class. She said we can wait til November for the regular scheduled conference to discuss further. Then last Monday we found out that Logan did not earn much points for AR tests (reading tests) in class and he might miss out on the “meeting goals” celebration soon. Stuart and I were surprised to hear about this as we had not been told about “points”. When I picked up Logan from school, the teacher spent some time explaining it to me while Logan and Connor hung out in the classroom. These tests were voluntary but the teacher has been reminding the students to take them. While Logan’s overall reading level was good, for some reasons he had not been taking the tests therefore not earning much points. The teacher encouraged Logan to catch up by reading books at home and doin
g the tests at school the next day. Since then, Logan has been motivated reading at least one book each night and then taking the tests. He is catching up on his points. We also encouraged Logan to stay on top of his projects this month rather than waiting until the last week. He had already recited his poem to the class last week, and over the weekend, he finished the art and craft part of his book report. This was a “Can Character” book report. Logan read the picture book a couple of times and came up with the 10 clues of the main character. Then Logan, with my guidance, decorated the can to look like the character. Logan was very proud of his work.
On the other hand, Connor’s homework has been quite light. Inste
ad of daily ones, he has a monthly homework. However everyday Connor spends a few minutes doing a part of it. In addition, Connor will be the Star of the Week soon, and he has been working on his poster which he just completed over the weekend too. Connor was also pleased with his work.
Oct 19
I went out on Saturday night to have dinner with Robyn, Julie, Kathy, Michelle and Theresa to celebrate Robyn’s and Julie’s birthdays. The boys were fine with the planned evening with daddy; pizza dinner and game night. My evening was fun. We went to a nice restaurant, we had a great meal and a good chat with the ladies. After dropping off Kathy, I saw an earlier text that Stuart was giving the boys a shower, so I knew I had a chance to make it home in time and say goodnight to the boys. I went upstairs; Stuart had just tucked the kids in and he mentioned to me that they missed a goodnight wish from me. I went into Logan’s room first. He was happy to share that they won the Castle Panic together and they ended up staying up an hour late. I hugged him goodnight, then went to see Connor. Connor told me that he heard me coming home and knew that I would be in to see him soon. He also could not wait to share that he learned how to play the game and tried to tell me a bunch of details that he remembered from it. He too was giggly about staying up because of the game. Looks like we all had a good evening.
This was a picture Stuart texted me .

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