Mar 31
Logan is more chatty and can say more words these days. He can point out things he knows in books and also interesting sights while we are driving (like buses and planes). He can repeat to us quite a few words now and the way he whispers the words is very adorable. For the fir
st time yesterday, he strung multiple words together. He loves watching Thomas the Engine lately. After a show was over, he looked up and asked for “more choo choo?”. Later on when he and I were looking for daddy, he copied me to say “dada, where are you?” It was a funny moment.
Bad news from school today…Logan bit someone =( It occurred when another toddler tried to take a toy away from him. Hopefully this is not going to be the start of some bad behavior.
Mar 16
We had the ultrasound this morning and we would finally see if we were correct in our intuition that it would be a boy (Stuart’s family is weighed heavily toward the XY Chromosome) However, everyone has been convincing me that since this pregnancy is very different from the first, it would be a girl.
When I was carrying Logan, the entire pregnancy was very smooth and easy. I had some foods that I could not eat during the first trimester, but overall I felt great with no symptoms. This time, I was having more discomforts. I had a constant headache that lasted around 2 months (finally ended a couple of weeks ago). I could not eat many things…even drinking water was difficult at the beginning. I also felt more headachy and heartburn after eating most of the times. The only thing I liked to eat was bread which ended up pushing my blood sugar a bit too high.
So with this experience being so different, I had in the back of my mind that maybe it would be a girl after all. They say you should always go with your first instinct, and this is no exception :) It is now official that Logan will soon be having a little brother.
As of today, we are at 19th week and fourth day; Logan’s brother is due on August 6th. To mark today’s special event, Logan learned how to say “brother”.

Mar 13
Logan and three of his friends started soccer class today. The class was only 35 minutes long. We initially thought what a short class it would be, but it turned out the length was just right. There were many toddlers in the class all around Logan’s age. The coach explained the goals of the class were to get the kids familiar with using their legs to kick the ball rather than grabbing it with their hands, and to just have fun. They did a few
different drills and some fun activities. Logan had a blast running after the ball, kicking it and throwing it. He loved hanging out at the goal area, and saying “goal” while raising his arms. After the class, his friends and Logan hung out there to have a snack. Just a few bites later, Logan actually wanted to abandon his favorite snack and get back to playing with the ball ! He definitely is looking forward to class next week.
Mar 11
Logan’s grandparents arrived for a quick visit last weekend. At first Lo was a little shy, but by Saturday afternoon he had warmed up and was even cool with hanging with them without his parents around (not his clingy self)
Luckily the rain decided to go on hold during their stay so we could actually go outside and play. On Saturday we went to the Children’s Discovery Museum, which of course, Logan enjoyed as per usual. I think we had the highest ratio rating of adult to kid there (4 to 1) and Logan loved all the extra attention. I could tell my Dad was holding himself back from putting on the space gloves and climbing on the Fire Engine.
Sunday we headed to Vasona Park. Logan didn’t take much to the climbing apparatus, but he was able to get in some ball kicking practice before his first Soccer lesson next week.
Although we felt guilty about having them drive such a long way for a visit, they said both ways were quick and pleasant…even if they didn’t make it their normal golf tour extravaganza. Logan didn’t feel guilty and was very happy to have seen his Grandparents.
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