Jul 29
(Report From Last Week)
Bonnie got a call from Daycare while at work, that Logan had received a bump to his head. This one occurred while he was on a slide and the teacher was very apologetic and seemed sad for damaging our child. Logan is a toughie and reportedly only complained for a short while, but it’s been 3 days now and he’s still got a bit of a bruise under his right eye. FYI: He thinks it gives him street cred with the other toddlers.
Jul 28
We had a bit of a scare with Scottie. He had lost so much weight (a bit over a pound) since his routine checkup last year, the
Vet suggested extra blood tests and an echo test due to a slight heart murmer. Thank goodness all the results came back fine…but Scottie does seem to continue to get thinner. We’ve been trying to beef him up with extra Tuna rations and keeping an eye on his food bowl to make sure it doesn’t go empty. We are hoping that it was just an adjustment period with Logan being here, but maybe he’s just trimming down to his fighting weight.
Jul 27
Logan let us know that Ross, from the show "Friends", is correct when he said "no-one likes change". After the last Crib bedding change we decided to leave off the Bumper that surrounds the top of his mattress. Bonnie had heard Baby crib escapes that were hatched by the toddler somehow standing on the bumper and making their way to freedom. However…that night Logan let us know that he missed all his little safari friends on the bumper and cried from midnight until I put it back on the crib. Personally…unless he can somehow fashion a rope out of the bumper I don’t see how he’s getting out.
Jul 26
A major lifestyle change occurred for both Bonnie and Logan this month. Logan is no longer on the breast and not even getting breast milk at home…..there s a still a dwindling supply in the freezer that is used only at daycare. This was probably bittersweet for Bonnie who is kinda glad she doesn’t have to get the occasional Logan bite and no longer has to pump at the office…but misses the bond that comes with that closeness.
Logan seems to have taken the transition to whole milk well..although the first morning he kept pointing to Bonnie’s breast.
Jul 25
Coupon day at the bowling alley means I’m willing to go out and embarrass myself. We had enough people present to utilize two lanes. Robyn, Julie, and sometimes Brandon in Lane A…..Bonnie, myself and Robert in Lane B. We played three games and I don’t recall who won what….which means it wasn’t me. It must be said that Julie and Robert have their own Bowling shoes and I’m sure that played into some type of unfair advantage. Logan and Brandon were very well behaved and spent a good deal of time sitting on a blanket playing with toys, which enabled the grown ups to concentrate on their form. Looking forward to the next time there’s a discount at the alley.
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