Updates at Daycare

Posted By Bonnie 2 Comments »

   Logan has been learning so much lately.  The past two mornings when I dropped him off at school, he sat nicely at the table to eat his cheerios and even waved goodbye to me like a big boy does.  Logan loves practicing his walking at home and he’s doing some at school too.  A couple of days ago, the teacher and Logan both got too excited, were not as careful, and ended up with a little bump on Logan’s forehead.  It turned into a very light bruise and now is mostly faded.  Wonder if he learned anything.

   This morning, the teacher told me a good story.  Logan was left behind in the infant room after eating while the rest of the kids were being carried to the buggy.  He made a fuss to get attention.  When he was asked if he wanted to join the rest of the crew in the buggy, he nodded big time.  How cute!  Wish we were there to witness it.

   On a side note, I have been caught taken pics at school without other parents’ consents.  Therefore there will be fewer adorable daycare kids photos on our website from now on :(

New Development

Posted By Bonnie 2 Comments »

   Now that Logan has turned 11 months old, he has decided that the time has come to get mobile.  When we hold him by his hands, he’ll put one leg in front of the other seemingly understanding that this will get him moving.  Of course if we didn’t hold him up, he’d be hitting the ground face first.  Tonight, at Michelle and Ted’s, Logan looked more confident and was being lead by Bonnie all over the house.   

   At the same time he did a lot better with his little cart.  Prior to today Stuart would have to push him around on the cart for any movement to happen.  But today he was moving his little legs and making slight progress.  At the Kao’s he borrowed Mckayla’s pink car and did even better with self propulsion…hopefully it has nothing to do with the color.

Belated Mother’s Day Post

Posted By Bonnie 2 Comments »


Hope everyone had a good Mother’s Day!  We had a fun day on Sunday.  We started the day with Stuart making us a big delicious breakfast.  There were no burnt pancakes, no raw eggs, no broken dishes.  After we filled up with plenty of food, and after Logan’s morning nap, we spent the afternoon at Los Gatos Downtown.  There were many other families that decided to enjoy the beautiful weather there as well.  We ended up having a picnic at timagehe park; Stuart and I had some yummy crepes from the farmer market and Logan had his usual mush (yummy to him).  We hung out and watched the children play at the water fountain.  Logan was so excited watching them and his arms were twirling almost non-stop.  He also got the chance to go play with the water at the end and got a little wet too.  We wrapped up our outing with a family afternoon nap.  What a nice, relaxing family day!

Can’t Stop Wii’ing

Posted By stuart 4 Comments »

image Luckily Bonnie broke the ‘no gifts on birthday’ pact and she got me a Wii last week.  I think it shows that Bonnie believes I have not been spending enough time on the Xbox, so I will be re-doubling my gaming efforts to make her proud.

The Wii is easier to setup compared to the more technical Xbox.  If you have wifi network in your house, it’s ability to talk directly via wifi removes any network cabling hassle.  Although it only comes with a composite video cable (the lowest quality video connection) you can purchase a Wii component cable for $15, which will make the screen a little clearer and raise the resolution to 480p (from 480i).   The controllers are wireless (of course) and motion-based.  I think everyone has played with a Wii by now, so no need to get into the details of how the controllers work, suffice to say it is the main reason the Wii console has been selling in greater numbers than any other platform.

It’s a given that the Wii’s graphical abilities pale in comparison with the Xbox and Playstation…so it sure better make up for it in playability.  It does achieve that mark, and it’s main feature of using motion controls rather than a directional joystick gives a unique experience of being in the game rather than observing.

“Wait”, you cry “this will just make you a larger ball of goo than you already are”.  Hopefully not.  After we played Wii Tennis the first time we (Bonnie) were quite tired.  Of course we (Bonnie) were leaning and swinging a might more than was probably required.

Furthermore our friends, Julie & Robert,  were also concerned about my rapid aging and lack of physical activity and birthday’d me a Wii Fit!  This is the device after you learn to balance correctly on…..presto, you get six-pack abs in no time.  Alternatively, you can also play games on it like snowboarding.  I’ve only hooked it up so far…..I’ll try to video Bonnie on it (shhh don’t tell her).

Lots of fun to come.

PS. I’m already a Wii Tennis Pro, so I should be out on the pro circuit soon raking in the money.

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