Logan’s Science Lab

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   I signed up to volunteer at both boys’ science lab this year and my first help at Logan’s class was on Monday.  They learned about the periodic table and the hands on experience were interesting.  The last experience the kids did was outdoor and it was nice to get some fresh air.  The class was fun and I learned something with every class.  I enjoyed being there for Logan and seeing his classmates too; it was worth taking a long lunch break from work and driving back and forth for this.


Grandparents’ Visit

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    The grandparents came to visit us for a short weekend.  They arrived on Friday and the boys were happy that Grandma picked them up from school.  We spent the weekend hanging out at home and went out to enjoy dinners.  After dinner, the boys also enjoyed watching movie at home with Grandma.  On Sunday, Connor on his bike, Logan on his scooter and I on my bike rode to the nearby park while Stuart drove the parents there to meet up with us.  Connor did well riding the bike and following the rule on the trail.  We took a long break at the park while Stuart and the boys played soccer.  Then we said bye to the grandparents to ride home.  The boys did fine, but toward the end of the homestretch, Logan’s hands became too tired from the handle bars and Connor started complaining being tired too.  We eventually made it home.  It was still a good ride.


Laser Quest Birthday Party

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     Connor was invited to a birthday party at Laser Quest.  Connor was very worried how laser tag worked and if it hurt as he had never done it before.  While I was driving him there, he was happy to know that many of his buddies were invited as well.  The boys hung out together at the lobby until everyone arrived, then they were taken into the game room.  They played one game, then broke for pizza lunch, and returned for the second game.  At the end, everyone was gathered again in the party room to have birthday cake.  Connor looked sad then as he showed me an owie on his knee.  He said the laser tag playground was open to the public, and there was a big kid (not from the party) who tripped him and lasertagged him afterward.  Other than the owie, Connor had fun and liked laser tag.  After Connor enjoyed the cake with his friends, we said goodbye to others and went home.


STEM Meeting

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    The intervention teacher who is also a school mom along with another mom had decided to start up a STEM (Science, technology, engineering and math) group this year and invited 10-12 third graders to join.  Connor was invited and their first meeting was last Sunday.  Each meeting will be 2 hours long.  Connor initially was excited when we received the invite, but on the day of the meeting, he was not too thrilled to have to leave us for 2 hours.  When we arrived at the organizer’s house, there were tables and chairs set up in the garage, and Connor could finally find out who were the other kids invited.  Connor then quickly went off to the backyard to play with them before the meeting began. 

    When I returned close to the end for pick up, 3 parents and 10 kids were still busy working on their projects  They were creating holding devices with any of the provided materials to carry a raw egg.  The objective was to protect the egg from breaking upon being dropped.  Connor was very serious while building a cardboard box from scratch; he said hi to me and handed a bite of his snack.  Shortly after, everyone finished making their designs and waited for their turns to have it drop by a parent standing on a ladder.  Many kids were happy to find their eggs intact and Connor was one of them.  All the parents quickly helped clean up the tables and materials before we left to go home.  Connor was thrilled to tell me what he had made and how much fun he had, and he could not wait for the next monthly meeting.


Almaden Lake Art and Wine Festival

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    I love going to this art and wine festival every year, so we had planned to go on Sunday morning.  This year we had decided to hike in just like we did for the July 4th firework.  The boys chose to use their scooters while Stuart and I walked.  On our way to the park, Logan and Connor took breaks to work out at every exercise stop along the trail.  As soon as we arrived the festival, the boys remembered the Dipping Dots.  We walked through all the booths while Stuart and I checked out what they had to offer, and the boys had only one mission in their mind.  They finally made it the ice cream booth and enjoyed a treat.  We then walked around the kid area, but the boys were not too interested.  Instead we walked back toward the few booths to play with the Wheel of Fortune and the boys enjoyed winning the little prizes.  At the end, we returned to the stage area so we could buy lunch and listen to the performance.  After taking a break on the mat, the boys used the scooters and we hiked our way back home.


Scooter Team

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    Connor really likes the scooter he received for his birthday, and he often asked Stuart to pick them up from school with it.  To be fair, Stuart would bring the skateboard for Logan as well.  Instead of carrying it, Stuart would end up riding the skateboard all the way to school, and he is getting good and comfortable on it now.  Logan, on the other hand, has not built up enough courage to really glide on the skateboard yet.  He seems to be more interested in the scooter, so Logan agreed to use his birthday Amazon money to buy one.  Tonight Logan was able to try his new scooter with Stuart on the skateboard and Connor on his scooter.  What a team!


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