Oct 27
We all went out for Julie’s birthday last night, 19 of us. While we were driving there, Logan said he wanted to sit with Daddy and Connor, while Connor wanted to sit next to Mckayla and Logan. When we arrived, Logan said Happy Birthday to auntie Julie, then went to sit down next to Brandon. According to Stuart, Logan was content doing some drawings on his own before the food arrived. As usual while he was eating, he watched the Batman show on Stuart’s phone. Connor was playful. He spotted all the scarecrows in the dining room, talked with a few people, and enjoyed peeking out at the staircase behind us. He enjoyed drawing and showing it to us too. The ordering and delivery of the dinner took awhile but it allowed time for us to catch up with one another. I was able to chat with Julie while watching the two well behaved twins in front of me. I also talked with Theresa and Martin who were rested and tanned from the recent honeymoon. After we all ate and before the kids got wild, we left the restaurant and said goodbyes to everyone.

Oct 22
Connor and Logan are very different in the sense that Connor is always listening and more attentive. When Stuart and I talk among ourselves, Connor often asks us “What you talking about?” or “Are you talking about me?” He catches on what Logan is doing and mirrors quickly. When we play “I Spy”, he copies Logan and randomly gives clues “it is inside the car” or saying things like “You give up?”. He can recall many locations that we drive by, like the swim school, our old apartment, an ice cream place or Scottie’s vet. Unlike Logan he remembers names well. He still can recall his old school’s teachers while he talks about his new teachers. He even knows Logan’s teacher too. Many things we only have to mention once and he remembers. He asked us once the reason we eat at the kitchenet table vs. at the dining room table. We mentioned that we would eat at the dining room when we have guests. This morning Stuart shared with Connor that the grandparents will be visiting us soon, Connor’s first reaction was confirming that we would be eating at the dining ro
om table. He has also learned to recognize a majority of the alphabet, and knows many shapes and colors. Logan is starting to feel a lot of competition as Connor is hot on his heels, and sometimes quicker, in answering quiz questions from us. Connor loves the idea of homework that each night he enjoys going through his school work with one of us. Tonight he even showed me how he writes his name too.
Oct 22
Can’t believe it has been 8 years! Stuart and I took today off to celebrate our day together. With so many things we need to do for the house, today was a perfect day to go shopping. We went to six stores, shopped for hours, spent lots of money, and we felt accomplished. Going shopping with the boys lately has been tougher as they are more hyper and playful together. So today was very nice to be able to take time studying and deciding what we need. After the productive day, we were tired and needed to take a power nap together before picking up the kids.
Our good day however started and ended not too pleasant. Logan had his picture day at school today. His hair has been getting long and can get messy at times, so we had talked with Logan about his hair for picture day a few times. Logan did not seem interested about it until this morning. He suddenly got mad and would not tell us the reasons until Stuart sat him down. It turned out that he was worried about not having the ordering form. We must have missed the form somewhere, so we tried to reassure Logan that I could pick up another one from the office before class. He was still so worried that we ended up searching the house and running a bit late. I had the boys rushed into the school with me so we could grab the form from the office, fill it out and hand to the teacher just a couple of minutes after the class started. It was not fun being a frantic parent. Then tonight after a good dinner, for no reason this time, Logan got whinny again on the drive home. He was being huffy and very stubborn throughout the rest of the night for which we just ignored him. Logan ended up not getting bedtime reading with Connor and he finally broke out crying. He eventually went to sleep when Stuart threatened to take his animal away.

Oct 21
I forgot to blog about pizza making last Tuesday. We have been wanting to do this for awhile now. We picked up the kids from school and went straight to Pizza My Heart. The boys were excited with the idea of making their own pizza. We were given the supplies (dough, sauce, cheese, pepperoni, ham and pineapple) quickly; we sat down and started assembling. The boys had fun; they were not greedy, did not put everything on their pies. We quickly finished the job and hung out while waiting on the pizza. I later picked up some pizza for Stuart and I, and the boys shared some of ours until theirs were ready to eat. Logan had a great appetite; he almost finished his entire one along with small slice of ours. Connor finished half of his too. They both also enjoyed the left over at lunch the next day.

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